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Message ID: 12310
Date: Tue Jan 4 00:22:15 GMT 2000
Subject: Re: Digest Number 622 (re: that mistmoore thing)

well i wish you luck on this event, i do know however that you will not be
seeing mayong unless a gm takes control of him and brings him out to play.
Mayong is currently in the game, albeit in an area which is not reachable by
players due to pathing problems. there was a huge thread a while back on the
kunark message board about "mysteries of norrath" and somone posted a quote
from one of the verant people saying we couldn't get to mayong.

I guess one possiblity is that if mayong is somewhere in the zone in reach
of an aoe spell/song you might tag him that way and get him to come out, but
i would guess that is not the case.there is always a chance that a gm could
show up with him however, so good luck. either way it sounds like fun.

Ayreck, 14th druid of karana

>Message: 24
> Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 13:46:21 -1000
> From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
>Subject: The Summoning of Mayong Mistmoore (E'ci server)
>For the E'ci bards:
>The guildmaster of the Kelethin Songweavers Guild decided enough was
>He had just gotten word of another bard messenger slain in Lesser Faydark.
>That made four over the past two weeks. Like all the others, the puncture
>wounds of a vampire attack were visible on the messenger's neck. It
>appeared that the rumors coming out of Lesser Faydark were true, Mayong
>Mistmoore was back on the prowl.
>For months, numerous intrepid adventurers had entered into Mayong's estate
>only to find him mysteriously in hiding. Despite forays deep into the
>bowels of Mayong's fortress, evidence of his existence were nowhere to be
>found. The reports of his absence conflicted directly with the evidence:
>four dead bards. If only Mayong could be taunted to appear, then perhaps
>Norrath could be rid of his evil presence once and for all.
>Knowing of Mayong's deep hatred of bards, what better way, the guildmaster
>decided, to taunt him into appearing than to hold a convention of bards in
>his own backyard. With a concert of all Norrathian bards filling the halls
>of Mistmoore Castle with lyric and verse, Mayong's only option will be to
>personally end the concert himself. Now, if only he could enlist the
>assistance of the other Kelethin guild leaders...
>After reading everywhere about the raids into PoF, PoH, Kedge etc, I
>it might be nice if we had a raid/server event in a different zone
>accessible to lower level players. I figured Mistmoore is a good choice
>since the last couple of times I have been in it there weren't many people
>in the zone.
>As far as I know, Mayong has never spawned on E'ci. The way I see it,
>are two possible explanations. First, by design he isn't in the game and
>will never spawn unless Verant includes him in a future patch. Second, the
>groups camping the castle haven't done what it takes and/or held the castle
>long enough to get him to spawn. Perhaps Mayong will spawn if his
>placeholder is killed enough by a party holding the castle. I am hoping
>second option holds true.
>I petitioned and asked a guide if they could support a player run event
>this. I had hoped that if the level of participation was high enough,
>Verant would participate and spawn Mayong for us. So far I have been
>unsuccessful in getting official support lined up. Still working on that
>The primary goal of this event is to successfully raid the castle and hold
>it for an extended period of time. In other words, once we start the raid
>nobody has to zone out due to a train. In order to meet this goal, here is
>what I have in mind:
>Lake area: Three groups in the low 20s to control the spawns in the lake
>area and between the lake and graveyard.
>Graveyard: Two groups. One group in the mid 20s to control the graveyard.
>One group in the low 20s to pull from the path between the lake and
>Secret room behind crypt: One group in their low-mid 30s
>Courtyard: Two groups in the mid-high 30s to control all the spawns in that
>area plus the ramp leading up to the castle.
>Castle: At least four groups 40-50 to control the entire castle. This
>requirement is open to suggestion because I'm not high enough level to know
>what it takes to control the house.
>Reserve: One group (levels TBD) on standby to assist any group in need.
>Healers: A couple of clerics not in a group on standby to give EXP resses
>to anyone who needs it.
>Here's the kicker to keep it in line with the storyline: whenever possible,
>each group has at least one bard in it. Of course if your regular group of
>six doesn't include a bard then you don't have to break up your group. As
>an alternative, there will be bards there not in a group to temporarily
>with a group after a combat to help them regen mana faster (assuming no
>enchanter in the group). Once mana regen is complete bard can disband and
>6th person can rejoin.
>Proposed date: 15 January 2000, starting at 3PM CST. Official time/date
>confirmed once level of participation is known.
>Known constraints: 1) Mistmoore is known to be a buggy zone so not really
>certain how many people it can handle without causing lag problems. 2)
>many people may show up. Will have to rely on cooperation of everyone
>involved to ensure everyone has a good time.
>Feedback: Request players with lots of experience fighting inside the
>castle to send me advice on the number of groups required to safely hold
>castle. Also request advice from players that have organized successful
>raids on how to handle the coordination aspects of an event like this.
>If you or your group is interested in participating, please send me a
>private email to the following email address: bamadude@...
>Galtin Randayn
>30 bard