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Message ID: 12957
Date: Wed Jan 12 02:13:11 GMT 2000
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Gypsy Lute Fun

Good info in the post John. I can only say that I feel very fortunate that
I was in the right place at the right time when I got my gypsy lute. I was
camping the graveyard very late at night when a 50 druid shouted free gypsy
lute by the lake to any bard who needs it. This time the Hawaii curse of
playing during off-peak hours was a blessing as I was the only bard in the
zone who needed the lute. Still not certain how he pulled a gypsy musician
down to the lake without causing a massive train. I guess it takes a solo
50 druid in wolf form who knows the zone like the back of his hand in order
to do so.

Galtin of E'ci

> Long answer: My guild and I tried this over the weekend. We
> caused probably one of the biggest trains in the history of
> Mistmoore. From what I could tell, the music room, negotiator
> room, piano/window room (and stuff outside), and all the mobs
> in the little nooks and crannies in between came pouring out.
> The plateu in front of the castle is easy to break (go in
> invis to the far side, drop invis, and lull everything you
> see, then pull). The mobs just inside the gate (there are 2-4
> of them) are easy as well, as are the two gargoyles in the
> grand hall/lobby. You got this far:
> > group. I have been in a group once that actually
> > managed to fight their way into the lobby (with
> > the stairs going to second floor, etc.) but then
> > we couldn't figure out how to reasonably go much
> > further due to large clusters of mobs at such odd
> > angles that lament wasn't really doable, etc.
> > Plus the fact that everyone was scared out of
> > their minds because of the stories of bad pathing,
> > trains, etc.
> Yup. Be glad you didn't try it. I got to this point, tried
> to come up with a way to lament the mobs but couldn't. So I
> had a ranger try casting harmony. That's when we started that
> train.
> The problem isn't that lament or harmony don't work - they
> do. The problem is that the pathing is so screwed up that the
> mobs take circuitous routes. You pull the mob in front of the
> music room, and instead of following you, it will circle
> around the entire music room, out the back door, through the
> negotiator room, then through the lobby, incidently pulling
> everything it meets along the way. There *might* be a way to
> pull it semi-safely (I suspect you can pull the negotiator
> room by itself), but I'm not going to risk getting other
> innocents killed in trains figuring out how.
> There are several ways to safely get to the music room. By
> far the easiest is to have a high level person pull. We had a
> L48 person do it, but I hear a L47 can do it as well. Most of
> the stuff won't aggro on a person this high, so he can pull,
> the mob can go through its convoluted pathing, and it won't
> trigger any extras.
> If you don't have a high level person, someone in wolf form
> who hasn't played much in Mistmoore can pull just a few at a
> time (I think agro radius is linked to faction).
> If you don't have any of these, you have two options I know
> of. First is to invis your party and go back into the
> kitchen. Kill the three mobs there, clear the hallway, then
> the maid and bulter rooms. Then comes the hard part - using
> invis to move around, lull the gargoyles in front of the
> negotiator room. Once they're lulled, you can position
> yourself to lull stuff inside the negotiator room (the agro
> radius extends beyond the door so don't get too close). If
> you're lucky, you'll get 1-3 mobs at a time. If you're not so
> lucky, you'll get the entire negotiator room, the three mobs
> in the alcove beyond it, and a couple gargs (which is the
> monster pull I described in my other post). Once the
> negotiator room is clear, you can start to crack the music
> room. I haven't gotten this far, so I can't help you beyond
> this point. :)
> The other option is go in the back way, through the jail.
> Clear up to just before the pool room. If Xicotl is not up,
> you can clear the pool room, then pull the room down the
> stairs. If Xicotl is up, you're probably best off invising
> everyone and just going down the stairs to the next room and
> clearing there. After that is the piano room - make sure you
> fight away from the windows or you'll pull the entire outside
> as well. Clear the outside if you want to be safe. Then the
> alcove just before the music room. After this I'm not sure,
> but I've seen other groups pull the music room from here so it
> must be possible.
> I have a theory on another way to pull. I was invis and had
> SoW on, and started what should've been a train. All I got
> was three mobs. I think what happened is that after I
> triggered the first mob and it started its screwed up pathing,
> my invis kicked in making me indifferent to everything else.
> So the castle didn't get aggroed when the three mobs passed by
> them (kinda like how green mobs won't trigger if you let a
> runner get away). I haven't really tested if this is what is
> really happening, so use it at your own risk.
> All this becomes much easier of course if another group has
> partially cleared the inside.
> So there you have it, pretty much all I've learned about
> the castle in Mistmoore.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...
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