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Message ID: 12972
Date: Wed Jan 12 15:02:44 GMT 2000
Author: Dave Gaines
Subject: Re: Brad On Binding (OT)

5 deaths per level is much more than you should be having. In an outdoor
zone you have your speed song, which should prevent amost ANY death.
Indoors, if you cannot find a spot near the zone to fight at, then
make sure you group with a wizard or a druid thats knows how to evac.

My general rule is ANYONE in the group can call for an
evac, and the evac'er immediately and without questioning would evac.
Figure out later if it was the right thing to do.

Make sure you have a balanced group.
Clerics have about 7x the healing power of druids/shamans.
If you don't have a cleric in the group, play "less efficiently"
so that you do not attract attention, if this means just bellowing
straight, then do it and don't worry about it. A dead bard is of
no help to the group.

A warrior is the best taunting melee in the game. A rogue BS does
good...when it does good damage. A monk is fair, when he gets a lucky
round of hits..A warrior just flat taunts. If you don't have one of
these -- be more careful.

Rangers/Druids/Shamans usually think of healing as a secondary priority.
Paladins that stand around after combat also think of any
heals they have as extra's.

Watch your group, watch the spells being cast. If the druid is
putting Damage shield up every fight on both himself and the
main tank, and casting the swarm and snare, he likely isn't
saving mana to do major healing. If the shaman is keeping
speed buffs up on everyone and casting dex/agi buffs all
around, he isn't saving for major healing either. If the cleric,
thinks smite is the best form of DD in the game (run!) then
um, no healing there either.

If you join a group with a druid/cleric and they do not immediately
cast skin like xxx or bravery/valor/resolution on everyone ...

If any single fight, "normal" fight takes the group over half way
down in hp and mana, that is too hard of a source of experience,
and you are going to find yourself dieing a lot.

Not all of these statements are true, but they give you some
thoughts on how to "read" a pickup group.

I died 7 times from level 29 to level 50, it can be done.
(I died 7 times last night breaking the plane of fear)

50/49 Wizard posting on the wrong damn list again

> I find it an insult that when fighting in Cazic, Guk or the Sol's I have to
> run sll the way from Freeport or Arena just to get back to my corpse,
> aswell as mem my songs and loose an hours worth of hard earned exp. To be
> honest it is starting to **** me off and as I die about 5 times (at least)
> every level this is wasting my valuable playing time, hence the reason I
> have now started up a cleric, it's great, I get bind, gate etc and if I do
> die, I'll only have to spend 20 seconds memming my spells. + at later
> levels I'll be able to res myself =)
> I enjoy playing my bard and have got to level 33 through alot of hard work,
> I have great equipment for my level and am VERY keen to get to level 40+
> but I jus can't see it happening, I don't know how you level 40+ bards on
> this list do it. I spoke to a level 50 bard on my server (Tegamen, I
> think), he was wearing some imbrued and had some great equipment. So I
> asked him if he had any tips on how to level fast, he replied "Don't die" I
> said that I find it very hard not to die, he replied "Trust me, Bards got
> the bad deal"
> Guess thats sums it all up then, I am still determined to reach level 50,
> it'll just take me a few years =)
> Madagan Songweaver, Bard of 33 Songs <Lords of Chaos>
> Meklon, Level 7 Cleric of Innurok <Lords of chaos>
> Veeshan Server
> >>"Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
> >>
> >>I agree. I usually find myself joining pickup groups. What I have found
> is
> >>that in pickup groups, players tend to look out for themselves before
> >>considering the welfare of the party. To add salt to the wound, the
> problem is
> >>magnified because of the time I usually log on. I live in Hawaii so when
> I play
> >>its usually after midnight on the mainland on weeknights. When a pull
> turns bad
> >>and someone dies, especially if it is a melee class bound in a zone far
> away,
> >>the party usually either breaks up because its so late at night or the
> casters
> >>leave the group because it will take the melee class too long to get back
> to the
> >>zone they died in.
> >>
> >>I think its safe to say that Verant doesn't take situations like this
> into
> >>consideration when they have the mythical class balance tuning sessions.
> I
> >>think they just assume everyone has a regular group/guild that they play
> with
> >>all the time and as a result they are focused on group welfare vs
> personal
> >>welfare.
> >>
> >>Galtin of E'ci
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