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Message ID: 13131
Date: Fri Jan 14 22:29:22 GMT 2000
Author: Dave Gaines
Subject: Re: unsubscribing

this is eqbards, not EQ-Bards...

> From: "Jukeboxie the Bard" <jukeboxie@...>
> I'm really, really sorry to post this here, but does anyone know of an
> alternate way to unsubscribe from this list? I've e-mailed the unsub address
> EQ-Bards-unsubscribe@onelist.com
> about 10 times now. Nothing. I can't seem to be able to unsubscribe. Thanks!
> >From: Talies the Wanderer <snicker@...>
> >Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
> >To: eqbards@onelist.com
> >Subject: [eqbards] Rules and FAQ 1.6 - PLEASE READ THIS!
> >Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:57:37 -0600
> >
> >Greetings and Welcome to the EQ Bards Mailing List, a mailing list
> >dedicated to all for and about the Bard in EverQuest.
> >This list will be posted semi-regularly, and updated as often as is needed.
> >If you have any suggestions, or any frequently asked questions, please let
> >me know.
> >Changes have been made to instruments. Please help me by reading and
> >correcting my errors.
> >
> > First, some basic rules:
> > (Common sense stuff, really)
> >
> >1) Stay on Topic (as much as possible). While we do often stray off the
> >path of Bard-related stuff, lets try and keep the material "of-interest" to
> >our readers. Ex: Discussions of DoT nerfing are acceptable, because Bards
> >have DoTs. Discussions of Rogue Poison recipes are not. Discussions of
> >Quests and items are okay, as long as you make an attempt not to spoil
> >someone else's fun. Use [Spoiler] in the heading, or put spoiler space
> >(several blank lines) to let people know in advance.
> > Deliberate spam will NOT be tolerated, and any person doing so will
> >be
> >immediately reviewed for warning, removal or banning.
> > On a related note, if you notice that your topic is straying from the
> >original thread, please change the subject header. Example: RE: Mistmoore
> >Battle Drums becomes: re: Fighting undead as a Bard (was RE: Mistmoore
> >Battle Drums) For those of you receiving the digest version, if you can
> >make an attempt to change the subject field to something appropriate, that
> >would help those of us not digesting our mail better pass it ;)
> >
> >2) No Flaming. Not all of us share the same opinion as you do, but please
> >be considerate of one another. Take a moment to read through, and then
> >make sure someone hasn't already responded before posting hastily. We're
> >all human, and no one likes to be called names. If you simply MUST insult,
> >badger or degrade someone, DO IT PRIVATELY.
> >
> >3) There is no Rule Number 3.
> >
> >4) Watch for "KABONG!"s. KABONG! is an old list-term for a thread that is
> >being forcibly killed. This sometimes happens when a thread has
> >degenerated sufficiently off-topic to no longer be valid for this list, or
> >when the subject matter has become too inflammatory to be discussed.
> >Kabongs generally only occur in extreme situations.
> >
> >5) No Attached Files! If you wish to share with us your latest picture,
> >some nifty article or the Happy99 worm, please simply include a link within
> >your email to an appropriate place online. If you have no access to such,
> >email the file to me, (except viruses ;) and I will post it for you, and
> >follow up to the list with the URL. Small infractions will probably be
> >overlooked, but let's try to be considerate of our European readers who
> >have to pay by the minute to download their mail.
> >
> >6) Be Considerate of Others! Please keep "me, too!" posts to a minimum, and
> >try not to quote more of the message than necessary (although you should
> >always make sure that the message you are sending is properly referenced,
> >so that people reading the messages out of order are not completely
> >lost. And try not to abbreviate too much, or use strange "slang" or
> >incomprehensible euphemisms. Plain, clear speech is much more effective,
> >and will cause fewer "WTF?!" messages... Also, use spoiler headings and/or
> >spoiler spaces when presenting Quest hints or weapon details.
> >
> >Okay, enough rules. Now for some Frequently Asked Questions!
> >
> >Q: I keep seeing all these abbreviations: "DoT", "DD", "PGT", "MM", "GZ" -
> >What do they all mean?!
> >A: Well, the best way to learn is to check out the EverQuest Glossary at
> >http://amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/eqglossary.htm (shameless plug). Briefly,
> >those four terms mean "Damage over Time" (refers to spells/effects that do
> >damage every few seconds for a while, instead of all at once), "Direct
> >Damage" (refers to spells/effects that do all their damage at once),
> >"Polished Granite Tomahawk" a nice weapon, "MM" is Mistmoore, a
> >mid-to-high level zone near Lesser Faydark, and GZ is Geoffrey Zatkin, the
> >Verant Designer in charge of spell balance (and thus a frequently consulted
> >individual when it comes to our songs....)
> >
> >Q: What is "twisting" (or "weaving," "stacking," or "harmonizing"), and how
> >do I do it?
> >A: "Twisting" is the most common name (although much deprecated by those in
> >favour of more "period" terms) for singing multiple songs at once - or at
> >least making it seem that way. The short explanation is to stop one song
> >and immediately start another one, repeat as necessary. Since most song
> >effects have a duration of about 6 seconds, you have time to weave as many
> >as three (and I've even heard tell of four!) songs at once before the first
> >wears off, gaining the effects from all of them at once.
> >The long explanation, complete with illustrations, can be found here:
> >http://users.erols.com/gww6e/eq/HOWTO-twist-bard-songs.html
> > (thanks Tork@Nameless).
> >
> >Q: What song do I get at <foo> level? What does this song do?
> >A: Well, again, shameless plug time: The EverQuest Bard's
> >Guild (http://amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/eqbard.htm) has a list of
> >spellsongs, however, most people seem to prefer detailed statistics, so let
> >me refer you to http://rgonzalez.net/EQSongs/index.html (The Bardic Song
> >Analysis page), compiled by Rokenn Swiftsong. Also, the Soerbaird is a
> >wonderful site: http://www.soerbaird.com/
> >(Anyone want to suggest any other sites?)
> >
> >Q: What do instruments do?
> >A: Some songs have associated instruments. Playing this instrument will
> >generally enhance the song by as much as 50%, but this is also related
> >to your relative skill with the instrument. Also, instrument skill is
> >partially responsible for failure rate of related songs. To avoid missing
> >notes, even when singing, keep your instrument skills maxed out.
> >
> >Q: Are there any magical or "Unique" instruments for Bards?
> >A: Yes, there are several known "special" instruments in the world.
> > The Mistmoore Battle Drum (found in Mistmoore), which increases
> >the
> >effects of most drummed songs by 20%
> > The Lute of the Gypsy Princess (also found in Mistmoore) which
> >has no
> >discernible special effect.
> > The Gypsy Lute (different from the Lute of the Gypsy Princess, in
> >that it is for a specific quest), which has no known special abilities.
> > Brahm's Horn (found in the Gorge of King Grobb) which has no
> >known
> >discernible effect.
> > Kelin's Seven Stringed Lute which adds +9 DEX, +15 CHAR, +9
> >AGI. Found on the Maestro of Rancor in the Plane of Hate. (Shada - any
> >known bonus to songs?)
> > Drums of Selo's March (Found on Cazic Thule?) which increases the
> >effects of most drummed songs by 30%.
> > McVaxius' Horn of War (unknown) which adds +9 INT, +9 DEX, +15
> >CHA
> >and increases Brass song effects by 15%.
> > Minotaur Horns found on minotaurs in Steamfont and the Gorge of
> >King
> >Grobb are *wind instruments* (not Brass) with no known special
> >effect. They are, however, lighter than flutes.
> > The Lizard Scout Fifes are rumoured to be non-magical wind
> >instruments, but this still remains to be proven. (Would someone please
> >test this for me?)
> > Lyssa's Darkwood Piccolo is a wind instrument. Not sure if it
> >has any added effect. Found on Cazic Thule.
> > The Unicorn Horn (found in Lesser Faydark), acts as a Greater
> >Lightstone while held, as well as a wind instrument. It also has 5 charges
> >of Purge. It does not have any discernible effect on songs.
> > Small Brass Trumpet which acts as brass. Supposed to have a
> >greater effect than other brass instruments.
> > There are other instruments (notably those on the Plane of Hate)
> >that have yet to be fully tested. I'm still waiting on reports for those.
> >
> >Q: What's the difference between a Lute and a Mandolin?
> >A: Weight and cost. Mandolins are lighter, but a little more expensive.
> >
> >Q: What's with all these instrument parts I keep seeing? (Unfinished horn,
> >lute strings, mouthpiece, raw bamboo, etc.)
> >A: Nobody knows. Rumour has it, there was to have been another tradeskill:
> >"Instrument making", but nothing has ever been confirmed. In the meantime,
> >don't accidentally buy an unfinished horn, because believe me, they just
> >don't play the same.
> >
> >Q: When I get Dual Wield, will I be able to play an instrument while
> >swinging a sword?
> >A: Unfortunately, no. While instruments are off-hand only items, they are
> >also considered two-handed. Besides, it's ever-so-much more fun to bash
> >monsters with your lute, dontcha think? (Sylly! WEP!)
> >
> >Q: What's the best weapon/armour/equipment for <foo> level? Where should I
> >hunt at this level?
> >A: Okay - time to ask the list ;)
> >
> >Q: What are "Hotkeys" and how do I create them?
> >A: You'll notice that in the lower left side of the screen you have 6 empty
> >boxes with the number "1" and two arrows above it. This is the "hotkey"
> >box. Initially, hotkeys default to the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard, but
> >you can reconfigure that through the options settings. Songs, spells, the
> >spellbook, socials, and inventory boxes can all be made "hotkeys". To
> >create a "hotkey", LEFT click on the box/spell/icon you want and HOLD it
> >down. After a second, the box will magically "lift up" and attach itself
> >to your pointer. Simply "drop" the new box onto the appropriate hotkey
> >slot, and blammo! Instant hotkey. Now, whenever you press the associated
> >hotkey button, you will activate the song/spell or action in that slot.
> >Inventory boxes do NOT "activate", putting them in your hotkey bank is
> >simply to avoid having to open your inventory to swap items in combat.
> >
> >Q: Why would I want to swap items in combat?!
> >A: Well, not just in combat, but by placing inventory slots (General
> >inventory slots, or worn/wielded slots will work. Bag slots will NOT) into
> >your hotkey bank, you can grab (for example) your sword and swap it with an
> >instrument in order to heal faster, run faster or whatever. PRACTICE THIS
> >MANEUVER!!! You *WILL* drop your weapon or instrument at least once, and
> >more likely several times, so practice practice practice! And if you *do*
> >accidentally drop something, don't panic, just back up, grab the item and
> >run like crazy.
> >
> >Q: Why can't Bards do <foo> as well as <other really buff class>?
> >A: Well, simply put, we're the "Jack of all Trades, Master of None." This
> >means that, while we can do so many different things (sneak, dual wield,
> >pick locks, safe fall, etc. etc.) we're not meant to be masters in any of
> >them, so you may notice certain skill caps (such as 40 for Forage and 75
> >for Sneak, etc.) that mean that you will never be incredibly good at these
> >skills. Be thankful that you get them at all.
> >
> >Q: Is it true that The Jig of Vigor song increases mana regeneration speed
> >for your party members?
> >A: No. Here - let me emphasize that: NO!!!!! What the Jig does is
> >increase the rate of Stamina Regeneration every six seconds and hence the
> >display of the Stamina, Health, and Mana bars to show this
> >increase. Without the song playing the bars are refreshed every eight
> >seconds. The ultimate effect of this is that the mana bar "moves" every
> >six seconds instead of every eight seconds so it APPEARS to be moving
> >FASTER. In actuality - it is moving 75% of the distance it would move if
> >it waiting the other two seconds. So bottom line, it LOOKS like it is
> >regenerating faster but it does not. If you don't otherwise have a need to
> >regenerate stamina, you are wasting a memorized song slot. Or you can just
> >use GZ's short answer: "Urban Myth - Jig only gives fatigue back."
> >(Geoffrey Zatkin, Archmage of Norrath [And Verant Game-designer], November
> >18, 1999, in a letter to Rokenn Swiftsong)
> >
> >Q: Why is there no Icon for the Bard Mana Song (Cassindra's Chorus of
> >Clarity)?
> >A: "There are different types of Bard Songs. Most Bard Songs leave an icon
> >on your character because the song has a duration - usually 5 to 15
> >seconds. Each time the Bard sings the song she renews the duration - this
> >means that a Bard who continues to sing the song can potentially keep the
> >song effect going indefinitely.
> >Some Bard songs do not have durations - you receive the effect when the
> >Bard sings it, but will not get another "dose" until she sings it again.
> >Cassindra's Chorus of Clarity (the mana song) is one of these songs - it
> >does not have an actual duration, so you don't get an icon on your screen."
> >(Geoffrey Zatkin, December 2, 1999, in "Arch Mage Answers"
> >http://everquest.station.sony.com/everquest_h_archmage.html )
> >
> >Q. Why can I never gain any experience in 2-handed slash or 2-handed blunt?
> >A. Although Bards have these skills, and even though they appear on the
> >trainer, you can never train 2-handed skills as a Bard. This is apparently
> >a piece of virtual duct-tape to allow GMs and Guides to play Bards and
> >still wield 2-handed equipment (like their special staff).
> >
> >Q. What are the most important stats as a Bard?
> >A. Well, because no matter what I answer, someone will disagree with me, I
> >will say this: No matter what your starting stats, odds are, you will
> >eventually be able to balance any deficiencies out with magic items and
> >jewelry.
> >
> >Q: Why are there no Bard Songs for Bard levels 39, 45, 47 and 49?
> >A: "When we was [sic] finishing up the Bard class, we wanted to leave some
> >room for expansion during the evolution of EverQuest. Because Bards get
> >one song per level, if we had given them all fifty songs there would have
> >been no room for expansion - aside from taking away older songs.
> >Expect to see new songs coming soon. These songs will not be anything that
> >radically redefines the Bard class - but they will be additions that help
> >keep the Bard interesting at high levels."
> >(Geoffrey Zatkin, November 15, 1999, in "Arch Mage Answers"
> >http://everquest.station.sony.com/everquest_h_archmage.html )
> >
> > Okay, well, this FAQ is pretty long as it is - and I've run out of
> >ideas. If anyone has any suggestions for the next version, please feel
> >free to send them my way.
> >
> >Talies the Wanderer
> >Assistant Moderator
> >
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >with the subject submissions.
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