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Message ID: 13236
Date: Tue Jan 18 22:01:29 GMT 2000
Author: SteelWolf
Subject: Re: Cazic Exploit and exploit posts

Oh, let's be a little more exact in your re-telling please. An OOC
comment was made as follows: "I never thought I'd read about a exploit
on eqbards and see it being used in-game by a bard on that list". Three
members of your group replied they were not using any exploit, but you
were, since I am familiar with the exploit, and you WERE using it. How
do I know? I made the OOC comment, I was on another character. I never
sent you any tell, and never said you would be banned, as that is not in
my power to do so. A member of your party commented "exploits are part
of the game" to which I replied "and it is a part of the game, that when
used, is bannable without warning". This has been stated by Karana's
GM-Lead (Mennix) over server broadcast before, you may ask him how he
feels about people using the cazic temple pathing exploit to verify this
should you feel like it.

I wouldn't want you to feel you didn't have a face for your accuser,
which is me. I don't know whether you read this list before using the
exploit at the Cazic temple or not, it doesn't change the fact your
group was using the exploit, and had been doing so for quite awhile
before I commented on it. Had you truely been naive to what you were
doing, I suspect any ooc comment from your group would have been along
the lines of "where?" not "no we aren't!" as was the case with groups in
other areas of the dungeon.

To paraphrase John Kim, he said, "some people view the pathing bug
(exploit) as an annoyance, others as an opportunity. Obviously I will
never agree with you on this issue, since I view bugs and exploits
abusing them as an annoyance, while you view them as a opportunity.

Ariell Thunderwolf, Karana

Beatdrop Battledrum wrote:
> From: "Beatdrop Battledrum" <Beatdrop@...>
> Sorry about responding so late to this, I just got caught up on the
> list. All this weekend I was hunting in Cazic and one night 4 of us
> were doing the Temple. There was a group at the top and one on the
> outer area so we stayed on the first rung of the temple and were
> pulling when we noticed this bug. Mind you, I hadn't read the list
> yet, so I didn't hear about this exploit. One pull, we had two
> lizards and one started to run when we had it to the sliver, so he was
> heading down the last flight of steps where we killed him. The other
> group watched us fighting there on the steps for this pull and after
> the fight I get a /tell from one of the members suggesting that I
> shouldn't use that exploit. WTF? What exploit? He wouldn't tell me
> and I slightly forgot about it. Then while our ranger kept trying to
> pull and couldn't get the lizzies to follow him, I decided to try a
> charm pull, which did make it so I can pull the lizards.
> A few minutes later on OOC, the same guy that had sent me the /tell
> and one of his guildmembers, were basically accusing me of exploiting
> telling me I was gonna get banned, all because of the fact that I am a
> bard and the exploit was posted on this list... which he said later on
> in OOC. I tried to explain what I was and wasn't doing but they
> wouldn't listen.
> As a side note, I don't feel that this list is appropriate for posting
> exploits. I don't want to know about them nor do I want to use them.
> Just because it was posted here, a few people were accusing me just
> because I was a bard fighting in the area of the exploit. So please,
> I don't mind the spoilers, but I am sure other people on the list
> including myself don't want to hear about exploits.
> --
> ~Beatdrop Battledrum <Platinum Sphere>
> Child of Erollisi Marr
> Karana Server