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Message ID: 13263
Date: Wed Jan 19 03:28:05 GMT 2000
Author: Dave Gaines
Subject: Re: Are we Hybrids?

I'm at a loss now....

Why do you want bind again? The xp you gain back in 10 minutes after dying
is tiny, what is the point of bind of wanting bind?

More responses below:

> From: Mike.Langlois@...
> I think you make some valid points, but I'm afraid I don't agree where
Bards are
> concerned. Here's why:
> >Time is money. Time is experience. If I am bound 5 seconds away from my
> >current position, I can fight a lot more riskier and gain a lot more xp
> >if I am bound 10 minutes away.
> This is only true if you don't die, as exp loss from a single death will
> out many kills. I usually lose 1/2 hour to an hour's worth of exp from a
> If you don't die, then you didn't need the bind anyway, so you could have
> the same amount of stuff with, or without it. If you DO die, then saving
> 10 minutes isn't going to let you get back that lost exp.
> What Bind will get you, is letting you play for that 10 minutes, rather
> run. But the exp loss will be the same. The amount of exp you can get in
> minutes is a tiny, tiny fraction of what you lose by dying.

Let me rephrase what you said:
You die, and lose 1/2 hour to an hours worth of time.
Binding "close" lets you play for 10 more minutes.
This 10 minutes is a tiny tiny fraction of what you lose.
10 minutes is 1/3 of a half hour. 33% is a tiny tiny fraction?

> >Our songs do not FORCE us to attract attention. Bellow all the way.
> >the healing song for downtime reduction. It can be done if your current
> >group is not adequate to protect you from harm.
> You are correct that you can play without singing AOE songs. However,
> that limits you to 5 percent of our songlist, it stops you from being a
> To limit yourself to Bellow and Warsong in a group makes you a dual
> enchanter/cleric/shaman who has decided to 'tank'. Very unproductive.
> that, you've stopped being a Bard. I don't think a good solution is to
> just don't play songs... I doubt that a mob with 5K worth of hps cares
> about my 15 points of bellow.

I said a bard should not attract attention if the group the bard is in
cannot protect the bard. MOST groups I get in CAN adequately protect the
bard. Some can't. You have to adapt or you will not make it.

> Also, no group can protect you if you are doing your job, buffing and
> and whatnot.

Completely disagree. There are definitely bard happy groups and bard happy
zones. Work to your advantages.

The tanks can get the attention of the target mob, but all others
> will be on you. The only protection you can get is to have your enchanter
> Mez all of the time, and that still prevents you from DoT'ing,
> etc. I don't think a good solution for this is to stop using the songs
> define our class.
> I don't mind the dying, I mind not playing as much because I run back so
> more often than anyone else.
> >When a warrior dies, he has no sow, he has no invisibility, he has no
> >corpse spell.
> This is true. But, to compensate he dies much less often than a Bard does.
> you recall my original post, I say that adding Parry would move us from
> Caster class to a true Hybrid class. That would mean that we should not
> bind, as we have the defensive powers of a melee class. There's a reason
> the casters get bind and a warrior doesn't. We're just on the wrong side
> that classification.
> >Bards aren't that bad off, at all. Bards are the best non-binder at
> >to the corpse and returning to a safe point.
> That's very true, in both cases. We are a fine class, and I think not
> underpowered at all. We are also great at safely returning. However,
none of
> us can return to our bodies instantly. We lose time no matter what,
during that
> run. Since we die the most often, we lose the most time. Make us die
less with
> added defensive skills, or reduce our running time with Bind. But one or
> other needs to be done to make our downtime the same as the other 13
classes in
> the game.
> Lastly, I've heard some say that using a 29th or higher cleric to res you
is the
> answer. But really, if that were true, nobody at all should get bind.
> Golias' Mantra!
> No power increases, no gate. No reduction of deaths, which result in more
> loss than others. Just bind to let us play the same amount of time.
> Golias, Sol Ro

You seriously downplay the value of bind... why do yo want it?

I'm a singer not a fighter.