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Message ID: 13822
Date: Thu Jan 27 01:08:11 GMT 2000
Author: Talies the Wanderer
Subject: Re: Deleting /friend list (OT)

At 02:25 PM 1/26/00 -1000, you wrote:
>From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
>Is there anyway to delete your entire /friend list and start over? I typed
>in /friend to see who all was listed on there that I hadn't seen in a long
>time. I noticed that there were a couple of phrases listed in addition to
>players. Apparently I thought I was sending a /tell, /say, or /groupsay but
>instead I hit "/f" instead of "/t" so I ended up adding the phrase I typed
>to my friend list. When I type in /friend and get the entire list, there are
>a few blank spaces in front of the phrases. I have made numerous attempts
>at removing the phrase by adding one, two, three, etc spaces before I type
>in any letters. All this does is add another phrase to my friend list.
>I thinking if I delete my characters .opt file in the EQ directory this will
>delete my friends list as well as all my hotkeys. Will this work? My
>friends list is full so I need to free up the slots.

No - the friends list is stored in one of the OTHER .opt files. The
eqOptions1.opt file, in fact (just checked). The galtin.opt file is
hotkeys only as near as I can tell. You may want to try to get rid of
