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Message ID: 13823
Date: Thu Jan 27 01:09:42 GMT 2000
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Bard Instruments

My take on this is that these two instuments will only be discovered if
Verant leaks the information. This would be similar to the bog juice leak
that occured several months ago. For those you unaware, bog juice is
required by paladins for the Soulfire quest. Verant stated for a very long
time that bog juice was in the game. The problem was that there weren't any
clues, i.e. recipe books or NPC keywords, that gave brewers any help. The
only way anyone found out how to brew bog juice was when a Verant employee
posted the recipe on alt.games.everquest. The required components for bog
juice are so non-logical that there was no way anyone could have figured it
out using systematic procedures. I can't remember all the ingredients but
the key one was snake skins, which no brewer ever considered using as a
brewing component. Within the next day or so after the post on the
newsgroup, paladins were able to complete the Soulfire quest.

In this particular case Verant was telling the truth, but the odds of a
player figuring out how to brew bog juice on their own were infintesimal.

Galtin of E'ci

> Well its been several months now since they were first mentioned in a
> patch
> and still no one has discovered a small brass trumpet or Kelin's practice
> Lute. I know not all bards spend as much time running around asking
> people
> about quests as I do, but still given the amount of time I am fairly
> certain
> that if these really were in the game they would have been found by now.
> GZ
> insisted they really were in the game, but that we would have to look hard
> for them. I have checked nearly every merchant outside of the evil cities
> and the gnomes in solusek, but have had no luck. Why they would be in any
> of those places anyhow is beyond me. Does anyone have any other ideas, or
> is this something we need to somehow emphasize further that despite Verant
> thinking 'It's in the game' it isn't? Certainly wouldn't be the first
> time
> they were 'positive' that something was in the game when it wasn't
> especially concerning bards. I'm sure everyone over 46 remembers the
> scorned banshees they swore up and down were dropping Imbrued when they
> were
> not. Any ideas?