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Message ID: 16608
Date: Wed Mar 22 14:35:40 GMT 2000
Author: Elijah Meeker
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Advice Sought

>I am level 24 almost 25. Where can I solo for the next level ro 2 until
>I have heard the Hermit or Gargoyles but I am not sure what levels they

Having just done it I am ready for this question!

The Hermit, South Karana:
He is around level 24, sometimes he is easy sometimes pretty tough. (8
minute spawn). because of his damage shield he is the perfect spawn to
practice all instrument attack on. Pull him with Dennons Dischord, fight at
his front door NOT by the chimney (reason in a sec). If you can pull him
before he casts his damage shield you can punch him as well, else just use
instruments. Often he pulls ahead at first but all but once I caught up and
took him. My combo was DDD,CoD,Largos Binding, Heal.

Good, consitant exp, 2sp-2pp, often fine steel weapons.

CONSTANTLY camped, some mornings logging in at 3AM he was camped. My
stratagy was to keep my Bard camped at his front door and play another
character until it was free. Looking for Aviaks while you wait is tedium
defined. On Povar people were very polite and would /tell when they were
through, I also was offered to share the spawn, which frankly is a drag for
both, that is until we hit the next minus:

Gnoll, white to red at 25. Spawns outside walls near fireplace, objects to
your presence. This is why I pull from the side of the house next to the
wall door and take him to the houses front door to fight. I have had him
spawn in the middle of a fight and attack an enchanter sitting in the wagon
who mezzed and gated. Even when the mez wore off he ignore me while I
finished the hermit. Your milage may vary.

Sell weapons at the centaur village, do the winds of Karana quest while you
wait for him to open up. Doing the quest will give you lots of practice
asking Teir'Dal necromancers if you can talk to the bards before they kill

Crag Spiders, East Karana:
More excitement, longer downtime. Hunt the mountain to your left as you exit
the ramp.

Also East Karana will have some Undead Reavers and even doggies that give
exp at times.

On Povar it's a really friendly zone with lots of comraderie. Jerks usually
only passing through to South Karana.

A Broon droon Proon being kited while you are AFK.

Aviaks, Lake Rathetear.
Look around for one of the lesser camped bird houses.

I am sure there is lots more, but that is a start, good luck!

Tszaaz E'Taurguin