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Message ID: 1698
Date: Wed Jun 9 20:51:41 BST 1999
Author: Roop Dirump
Subject: Re: Petition and general opinions

>From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
>Well, this debate has certainly heated things up. Its clear there is an
>easily definable line between the roleplayers and the powergamers here.
>I don't like the idea of bards wearing plate personally, it doesn't fit any

Sort of taken aback that if I, personally, think bards should wear plate,
I'm not a roleplayer. Where does all this imagery of a bard not wearing
plate come from, anyway??? I've always loved bards in literature and games,
bards are fighters and mages and rogues as well. What defines a fighter,
besides fighting? That shinning armor! Bard takes a little from every
class, and when the early bards saw the men climb into their platemail, they
did too! Without plate, bards would be more ranger-mage-rogue, completely
unacceptable. Bards aren't great fighters, lack all the warrior training...
instead bards go for looks! And how is that not in character when I
roleplay! That's the one thing that likely differentiates a bard from any
other--their obsession with their charm and looks, wear the great looking
plate, yes!

History lesson: Plate armor did not become feasible until the invention of
the stirrup, and had been invented long before. Anyone who wore plate mail
required the employ of a squire to assit them in getting dressed, getting on
and off their horse, eating, crapping, breathing. Guys were not in full
platemail running down a beach being chased by alligators. Ok? In this
game, platemail is not like it was in our history, it is much lighter and
thinner, and allows great flexibility. I can play a guitar in a kevlar
vest, and that's probably what EQ's steel plate is like.

I think the same people who complain about us wearing platemail are the same
people who don't like twisting or juggling. Twisting is inherent to our
design, we are -meant- to twist. Why else can I not twist anthem and that
earlier buff tune? When some tunes cannot be twsited, and others can, I
come to the conclusion there is design involved. Every class has a skill or
something to keep them busy while in autocombat. You are NOT meant to hit
autocombat, start a tune, and sit back in your La-Z-Boy watching the
monitor. Worse yet, you are NOT meant to stand behind all the melee action,
lute in hand, playing one song and eating popcorn and guzzling soda.
Fighters have bashes and kicks, bards have song twisting. If you
are not twisting, you are a poor bard--for our songs are weak but having
several going at once makes up for it. I have no problem with singing a
chorus of an anthem and then whistling and letting loose a great bellow,
singing the next chorus. It becomes a symphony I create.

If you don't like plate, ask yourself why this was given to us? Then remove
plate and give us a strength that will make up for it. Entirely rewriting
the AI code is not feasible, either. Doing that would be wrong, regardless,
otherwise mobs would end up never targetting spellcasters.
