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Message ID: 17135
Date: Thu Mar 30 22:09:04 BST 2000
Author: Danny Craigg
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Bards abilities redefined was: Attack speedups

>Not true. that would only occur is vs every mob I was a few % points
>behind. Odds are if I was even 80% as effective as them I would win out by
>random chance vs some mobs when I did well and they did not and I would get
>the mob attention. This never happened.

Not really. The mobs are programmed to react to combat in a pre-defined
manner. If you're not doing anything to taunt the mob (ie, debuffing,
healing its opponents, etc), it's going to be based purely on the amount of
damage you are doing and your proximity. Hence, if Player A is doing just
5% more damage than Player B, with proximity being equal, and nothing
factored in except damage, the mob is going to focus on Player A. I believe
that's John's point.

>All combat messages were on and they way outdamaged me, not even close.
>Ranger has double attack in addition to dual wield and the sk was just
>with double attack and his 2-hddr.

Yes, they are going to outdamage you. That is a given. The issue is, by
how much? And, unless you parse the data, you'll never know.

>Neither the ranger nor the sk worried about putting points anywhere but
strength and
>agility and stamina because it just didn't matter.

These stats don't contribute as much as originally thought. Also, of the
stats listed, only Str makes a noticable difference to combat.

> the sk can hit twice in a round for 40+ points each hit (Dark Reaver),
the ranger
>has the same combo I do, PGT and Dirk, plus he has double attack so can hit
>twice as well.

Yes, but what does he average? And, how long does he wait between swings?

>Consider. All melee classes get 6 or 7 melee skills except bards. we get
>two, dodge (which everyone gets) and dual wield. That's not even close to

Only 4 of those skills are offensive skills -- Dual Wield, Double Attack,
Kick, and Bash. You can either Kick OR Bash, not both, and the damage from
this skill is supplementary; it doesn't constitute a large amount of the
damage. So, basically it boils down to Dual Wield and Double Attack; which
puts us in the 50% category. Including Kick/Bash may drop that to 44%, but
that's still close to 50%.

The other skills are defensive skills, and don't apply to damage output.

Basically, until someone takes the time to quantify melee damage done
through parsed logs with similar weapons, I'll never subscribe to the "bards
do nominal melee damage" line. I'll accept the fact that we do the least.
