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Message ID: 18038
Date: Thu Apr 20 19:21:50 BST 2000
Author: Adam Wasserman
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Highpass Keep

Hmmm, that might go a long way towards last night's experience in the ass
sup room of guk.

It was an ok party, 2 pallys, 1 sk, 1 cleric, 1 wizzy and me. Level range
was 34-39. We were doing fairly well for a while. The pallys and Sk didn't
seem to have full grasp of the word assist, however that has become an all
too common situation given how few enchanters seems to be about.

The Sk (level 39) was our puller and I asked if we were pulling sav too. He
said we can do that and he runs off to pull. He came back with the sav, 3
wizzies and 4 knights. I didn't live long. (first to die) Naturally with a
pull of those proportions and the bard dead (ie, no fear song) everyone

It takes this ass backwards party 45 minutes to get going again. (By which
time I was very pissed) I told them to res in the room since we had 20
minutes to respawn at the time of the incident. However no one listened to
me and I finally got a res at the zone line after granting permission to
have my corpse dragged. (at least it was an exp res from a nice nearby level
46 cleric) I disbanded to clarity the cleric and joined the group later to
rebreak the sup room. At this point half the party was waiting near the room
and the other half was at the zone. We got our invis to undead and headed
out. When I got to the supp ass room, the wiz and cleric were no longer with
me. (For some reason they stopped at the BR) The 3 tanks were chilling and
go to check the room when a wanderer happens by and attacks. Another joins
in and we are facing a zol and a wan. These IDIOTS (sorry, I'm still sour
over it) jump on the wan. At this point I'm not grouped with the tanks and I
should have just stayed out of it. Instead my helpful instinct kicks in and
I yell at them to invite me. They finally do. Now I'm being pounded by the
zol while all 3 tanks are focused on the wan. I say I could use some help
here and they ignore me. I'm down to 2 bubs of health and I repeat in all
caps HELP ME PLEASE, but my plea falls on deaf ears. I hit 1 bub of health
when the wizzie and cleric show up. At this point they are not grouped with
us so they have no idea of the situation. /say NEED HEAL NOW. Nothing. /say
HEAL HEAL. Nothing. I die seconds later. Grrrrr. Next time I'm charming the
damn wan whether they want me to or not. That way the have to switch to the

After recovering I promptly left the group and hunted the Evil Eye for fun
and profit. (5 bags, 2 azure sleeves over the course of the night. I won the
first two rolls upon joining the group, bag and then sleeves)

They shouldn't allow fools into guk.

Draelon Stormsong.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin L. Crawford [mailto:Lyrnia@...]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 1:57 PM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Highpass Keep

As I said, not everyone comes out of HK affected by the bad habits it
encourages. But, by and large, people who group up in the Highhold/highkeep
area tend to learn two things (at least on Veeshan):

1) KS is ok. I'm not sure how it is on other servers but on Veeshan just
about anything goes in the orc area of highpass. It's a huge KS festival
where no matter how long you're fighting a mob those around you will do
their best to nuke it from under you.

2) It's ok to pull too much, the guards are just around the corner.

3) It's ok to train someone, the zone is very close and/or the guards are

Those are just the social attitudes. The skills that a players don't learn
or don't learn well because of these situations are critical later in life.
In short: You can't learn the skills needed to bust a difficult spawn in a
place where you can just Guard kill the extras unless you are in a
disciplined group who actually tries to learn them.

I spent some time in highkeep myself and left because the zone offers no
challenge. At 14-18 the gnolls are a lot of fun but the orcs are a KS
festival and the goblins inside highkeep are good XP but a lot of groups
tend to get lazy about pulling technique etc because safety is, litterly, a
stone's throw away.

It's not an insult against anyone. It's a fact about that zone. And anyone
JUST out of highkeep who's allowed their group skills to stagnate is more
dangerous than someone who went through their twenties in, say, Solusek.

Just my oppinion but a lot of people share it.

And it may be very different on other servers. But on veeshan the norm is
to see a group pull too much, kill 1 then take the rest to the guards, and
break the spawn using the guards to kill off anything they can't handle each

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Bachman" <kbachman@...>
To: <eqbards@egroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Highpass Keep

> Kevin L. Crawford wrote:
> >
> > Actually Highkeep is notorious for attracting "dumb players" or rather
> > creates them.
> >
> > The total safety of the hunting there causes people to learn terrible
> > tactics (or not learn any at all).
> >
> > 99% of the time if I find myself grouped with someone who levelled
> > their upper 20's and lower 30's in highkeep I immediately leave the
> > It's not that ALL people who played there are bad, it's that most are.
> >
> > No offense to anyone who's hunted there religiously but HK just isn't
> > same as SolA or GukTop or Cazic.
> >
> > Lyrn
> Hmmmm. I think I've been insulted.
> Kenross Cantoforjado, 47 songs, Innoruuk
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