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Message ID: 1852
Date: Sat Jun 12 06:33:26 BST 1999
Author: zen@casrock.com
Subject: Re: Song Scripts

>1) I like the process being somewhat manual. Typing each line does a few
>things: it helps to simulate some of the difficulties of live
>performance (typos as missed notes) and keeps every kewldood and their
>brother from spamming us with Marilyn Manson lyrics.

I agree completely. If we had any kind of scripting command, it would
be SO abused, it wouldn't be funny. This is something that would have
to be VERY limited. I come from a BBS / Mud background as well, one
thing I have seen people do to limit this is enforce a delay between
lines. (ie: No matter how fast you type, (or how well you script) you
cannot send more than one line every 5-10 seconds. A good start, but
not enough, IMHO.)

>2) If we're going to solicit a command from Verant, we need to do
>something that benefits more than just a niche of bards. My proposal
>(which I feedback nearly daily now) is that a new chat command box
>be added to the chat command window (where you select languages
>and such). This new command would be an emote verb, and would work
>kind of like the /tell does there now. Here's how it works: in the
>box you would type a verb (sings, mutters, whispers, muses, etc...)
>and then, you could check a box next to it to turn it on. Then, when
>using normal speech, rather than 'says' you would see the verb you

I like this idea. It's not very abusable (a few ways, but nothing worse
than what we have now) and it benifits more than just performers.

>As far as the script idea goes, it bears some consideration. Coming
>from a MUD background I found myself almost debilitated by the lack
>of a good macro or scripting system. ( I used to have no less than
>100 emotes queued up to keyboard shortcuts to help with RPing my
>characters. Just call me the PuppetMaster.) But like I said earlier,
>for barding, I really like the manual input.

I like the manual imput for a few reasons. But mostly for the
atmosphere. It doesn't seem very personal when someone just spams out a
song 10 lines at a time. I've always loved the time it takes to type
out each line.. it adds suspence to the story.. (or song).

Imagine if something like this is instituted.. performing a song would
take no time at all..you hit your /script macro, and then you're done..
5 seconds.. consider this announcement..

Soerbaird Concert, this sunday!
Starts: 5pm
there will be 9 singers!
After the concert we will meet at an inn for drinks!
(Figure 5:15 at the latest)
Be there!

It just doesn't seem as real. A good decent length song (with a fast
typist) takes about as long to type as it does to sing in RL (once you
figure in pauses for musical solos and such).. a five minute RL song
would take about that much time (give or take) to do in EQ. I like
this, and a script command would just resort concerts to the following..

*get's up on stage and greets crowd*
*types in /script "Latest_Song_About_Drinking.TXT"*
*Pauses for a moment or two to wait for crowd to finish reading*
*Takes a bow and announces next performer(

It just seems so impersonal. *shrugs* just my opinion, take it as you
will, I've rambled enough.

(Coincidentally, for those that didn't know, a colon ":" works just as
well as "/em " and is a little quicker to type.. example:

/em sings, 'All I need in Life is a Beer!'
:sings, 'All I need in Life is a Beer!'
Would both come out the same:
Lokar sings, 'All I need in life is a Beer!'

Just thought I'd throw that in there.. heh.. Have fun!)

Zen Tormey
Lokar of the Soerbaird
Drunken Bard and Master Brewer
Fennin Ro

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