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Message ID: 18576
Date: Mon May 15 01:32:01 BST 2000
Author: Rosha Unca
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Race to 60 (OT)

I learned enough about FOH during my UO days on Sonoma to make darn
sure I got on a different server than them when I began Everquest.

Rosha Cristi, Bard
Guild Leader, Legends

--- In eqbards@egroups.com, "Kevin L. Crawford" <Lyrnia@h...> wrote:
> Sar,
> I don't dissagree. Most of the FoH people I have met are very
nice, as
> individuals. And they're extremely nice to each other. They work
VERY well
> together. I know several founding members from Beta (Klague comes
to mind).
> However, as a GUILD, FoH is one of the most arrogant, least willing
to work
> with others, most egotistical and loudmouthed guild on the server.
> guide so I know they don't have GM's in their pockets. I also know
> their attitude and behavior on Veeshan has gotten their GM, all
> officers and several members suspended periodically.
> No, they don't intentionally train.
> No, they aren't generally rude or crude to other players.
> Yes: They do own spawns by rotating people in and out.
> Yes: They do KS if they feel justified
> I personally have experienced this from FoH. I forget their names
but way
> back when Drelz still dropped Jboots I was in there, having logged
on at 6am
> with 2 friends to get the jboot camp. The server had JUST come up
and we
> got the Jboot Spawn.
> Now, as we all know Veeshan has LONG used the list system. A Group
gets the
> room and other groups/people get on a list to get into it when that
group is
> done.
> Along comes someone from FOH (troll warrior) and DEMANDS To be
given the
> spawn.
> We, naturally, refused. And I told him he was welcome to join the
group and
> he could loot the boots when it was his turn. He said 'no, I will
get first
> loot'.
> We ignored him and refused to let him in. Shortly thereafter about
> members of FOH, including a 50 wizard showed up. Needless to say
> Wizard started KSing us (luckily the ones he KS'd didn't have boots)
> regularly so we called in a guide.
> Luckily we managed to get the boots while he was medding and then
we left.
> I know this isn't the _norm_ for FOH but it happens often enough
and to
> enough different people that they get a very bad name. It doesn't
help that
> if you talk to one of the officers they flat out deny it and don't
> appologise for the behavior of their members. Myrlyn was one of
the few
> who would try to smooth things over and from what I understand Furor
> basically kicked him out of the guild.
> I'm sorry that FoH has such a bad rap. But they've earned it over
the past
> several months. Calling other guilds "Farmers" and "campers" just
> they went into Hate 8 hours after FoH left. I've seen them come in
and KS
> Nagafen when another guild was still fighting him. With the excuse
that "He
> would have killed you anyway" and absolutely no remorse or apology
> KS'ing the dragon, taking all the loot and calling the other guild
a bunch
> of losers among other things.
> Sorry Sartori. I have friends in FoH too. But I don't let my
> blind me to the fact that the guild, as a whole, not everyone, but
> is a pack of thugs.
> I am not stating this as a flame. Merely laying out the reasons
why FoH has
> earned their reputation. It's been a year since release. They've
> nothing to improve relations with other guilds. In fact they've
> almost every other guild on the server. And they've alienated most
of the
> players too.
> Yup, I got a lot of friends in FoH
> Do I like them? Yup
> Do I like the guild? Hell no, never will
> Lyrnia Jongleur
> Bard of Norrath
> PS: In fact I refused to join FoH because of these attitudes that
the guild
> (as a whole, not individually) has.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "jay schultze" <sartori69@h...>
> To: <eqbards@egroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 5:37 AM
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Race to 60 (OT)
> > They're the most powerful guild on Veeshan. Because of this, your
> > will most likely be answered with the typical: They're
powergaming losers,
> > they KS and train people hourly and on purpose, they have GM's in
> back
> > pockets, they take over zones and push everyone else out, they
> > spawns by rotating people in and out to keep someone on the spot,
> > all arrogant egotistical pricks (a couple are, but every guild
has those),
> > they're all kewld00ds that don't give a shit about role-playing
(some are
> > some aren't, same as any other guild), they farm items to e-bay
> > (LAFFFF), and they own all dragons/planes. The funny thing is
none of that
> > is true, but people tend to belive whatever they read, and the
best form
> of
> > publicity in an online game is word of mouth, so...
> >
> > Usually, the Veeshan forum on eqvault is spammed and trolled with
> > stating one or more of the above items, and the person gets shot
> > but...they keep it coming.
> >
> > I know enough about them (being former-FoH myself) to know that
> aren't
> > deserving of all of the flames, but it happens anyways.
> >
> > Sartori D'Elsiraad<Legion>
> > 52nd Bearer of the hard, plain truth
> >
> > >From: "Kimes, Dean W." <dean_kimes@d...>
> > >Reply-To: eqbards@egroups.com
> > >To: "'eqbards@egroups.com'" <eqbards@egroups.com>
> > >Subject: RE: [eqbards] Race to 60 (OT)
> > >Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 14:25:46 -0600
> > >
> > >FoH? Not familiar with them, but then again the people I
associate with
> > >are
> > >definitely on the 'game' end. Who or what is FoH?
> > >
> > > Kit
> > >
> > >That ranger is a character, not a player. About 5 people played
it 24/7
> to
> > >get it to 60 that fast. He's a member of FoH... need I say more?
> > >
> > >It's not a game... it's a business.
> > >
> > >At least to them.
> > >
> > >heh
> > >
> > >Kev
> >
> >
> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> >
> >
> >
> > Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive
> > experiments.
> > http://click.egroups.com/1/4051/10/_/451022/_/958124242/
> >
> >
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@r...
> with the subject submissions.
> >