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Message ID: 20116
Date: Thu Jun 29 05:01:50 BST 2000
Author: Lyrnia Jongleur
Subject: Re: [eqbards] The true history of Lullaby, it's problems, it's fi xes and it's nerfs

Sorry, shortened the timeline a bit. Meant to put secondary resist as the
last mod (it went in last october for some unknown reason) I believe it was
in but implemented incorrectly so didn't work. I recall GZ being surprised
that we hadn't noticed it before then... could be wrong. But you're right.
It didn't actually kick in till sept/oct timeframe.

Regarding the rest of your post, however:
The whole point of lullaby isn't to let you derail trains. It's to allow a
bard to perform a very critical role in a group, if needed. That being:
Crowd control.

We aren't going to do it as well as an enchanter, no matter how hard we try
or how much we deman or how many times or different ways we ask. Verant
doesn't want us to be a acceptable "alternative" to an enchanter in a group.
They want us as a adequate place holder if one is unavailable. We'll never
be able to AE Mez while doing other things with any kind of reliability. As
it stands now Lullaby has absolutely no uses. All it does is get the party
killed with the bard going down first. At least if the song was lute only
and had the 2nd resist check removed it would be very useful in situations
where we needed to do crowd control.

And, quite frankly, no it's NOT the same as a warrior an an enchanter
working together because the warrior and enchanter can't decide to take a
break and heal to full in about 2 minutes flat while continuing to keep the
mobs mezzed. THAT is just how powerful lulaby was. Bards were taking out
ARMIES by themselves. Level 30 bards were soloing lower guk as long as they
didn't hit reds.

It was a SERIOUS issue and it needed a pretty drastic fix (this was in BETA,
not recently). The fix, however, was fine right after final started but
they just kept adding more and more 'fixes' into it, rendering the song
completely useless. Removing the 2nd resist and requiring the song to be
lute only would give us back the usefulness without the overpowering ability
to use weapons to take out mobs 1 at a time with weapons etc. That is a
REAL possibility if you have decent AC since you would only wake up the mob
when you actually hit it. Thus giving you a higher dmg curve vs the

The other alternative is to leave the secondary resist in, which is ok too,
but to have charisma, level and skill affect the resist rate (Which it
doesn't right now).

Either fix, as I said in my post, is acceptable to me. I really don't care
HOW They fix it, I just want it to work more than it does now. As it stands
right now it's utterly useless.

Try to be a little less negative, bud, it comes off really harsh and makes
you sound like you hate EQ and bards in specific. Seriously, if you don't
want to do crowd control why the hell do you care if Lullaby works at all?

> Lyrnia I have to disagree on one point. There is no way the secondary
> resist was added before last Sept/Oct. Before that I never got a mob
> attacking me after a successful "nods" message. They might have thought
> secondary resist was in, but it didn't work if it was.
> An enchanter and any melee class can derail a large train of blues and
> slaughter them one by one. They face the same level of risk as two bards
> trying this. It was not overly powerful. Without being able to use other
> songs a bard is a very poor melee fighter at level 15+ when he has
> Lullaby with just a Lute would be just as useless as it is now. It would
> cool for saving newbies from a train in Blackburrow, but pointless in
> combat situations. Unless you want to just stand there and play just
> Lullaby while the rest of the group actually fights. That's why my
> enchanter is just gathering dust, I found I don;t want to just stand (err
> sit) there and Mez until someone needs Quickness or Breeze refreshed.
> Kit