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Message ID: 21137
Date: Mon Aug 28 17:33:43 BST 2000
Author: Adam Wasserman
Subject: RE: [eqbards] The Mother of all Planes Posts, part 3: HATE, MOBS

This comes from a friend of mine on the Bristlebane server, Zyvalla
Kwikfingers, Scout of Hate House Arcanum. It has been edited for format
only. The original version was on a message board and has been archived.

Draelon Stormsong
Bard of the 49th level
Tribunal Server

Guide to the Plane of Hate Mobs:

There are 14 different mobs in Hate, and each is different.

Cleric of Innoruuk - Cleric - They look like a Dark Elf guard. They have
high magic resist, so harder to mez, and they love to complete heal. They
also buff the mobs they pass with cleric buffs. Keep them stunned (bash/
slam) while fighting and kill them fast. They drop cleric gear. They do not
see rogues or even normal invisible. They have a normal aggro range.

Ire Ghast - undead Shadow Knight - They look like a ghoul and have low magic
resist, so easy to mez, but love to HarmTouch, and do it a lot. Undead magic
works on them. They drop some Paladin weapons. They do not see rogues, but
do see normal player invisible (although invis to undead would work). They
have a small aggro range.

Revultant Rat - Warrior - They look like a giant diseased rat and have low
magic resist, but proc Deadly Poison. Only drop is a Ranger Whip. They do
not see rogues or normal invis. They have a small aggro range.

Spite Golem - Shaman - They look like a rock golem. They have insane magic
resist (although poison, disease, and the post-50 wizard spells will usually
stick). This is the most important target most times. If you get 2, one
warrior, usually the backup assist, will keep second one busy while the
group kills number 1. It is possible to kill several, but very, very tough,
so be careful. They love to cast SoW and other Alacrity on everything close
to them. They drop shaman gear. They do not see a rogue, but see everything
else. They have a large aggro range.

Loathing Lich - undead Wizard - They look like a spectre and have very low
magic resist and fewer hp than most mobs in Hate, plus are undead so undead
magic works well, so usually easy kills. But they will cast the wizard
damage shield (the annoying 2 damage spam shield). They drop a Necromancer
rod. They DO see a rogue as well as anything else. *** BE CAREFUL *** They
have a small self-aggro range, but will pass chain-aggro other mobs a very
large range.

Abhorrent - Rogue - They look like gargoyles and have very low magic resist,
but love to backstab, so make sure the puller is careful pulling them. They
drop rogue gear. They do not see rogues or normal invisible. They have a
small aggro range.

Haunted Chest - Enchanter - They look like a bog box with teeth. They do not
charm or otherwise debuff, but they will pillage enchantments, so could call
them Enchanters, or just a warrior with a Pumise Stone. They can drop any
item from the Planes of Hate or Fear. They do not see a rogue, but do see
others. They have an very small aggro range and are very slow. When pulling,
the puller has to stay close, or the box will forget and go home. They even
aggro other mobs at a very short range. Boxes spawn only in fixed locations.
They are not on any other spawn table.

Kiraikueis - undead Monk - They look like a mummy and have low magic resist.
They will proc Strong Disease. They are undead, so undead magic works well
on them. They drop warrior gear and a monk Shuriken. They do not see rogues,
but do see normal invis, though invis to undead would work. They have a very
large aggro range, but a small pass-on range, so they will aggro with
anything close, but not aggro the mobs around them... usually.

Scorn Banshee - undead Warrior - They look like a female zombie and have low
magic resist, but proc Strong Disease and hit a ton. But undead magic works.
They drop Bard gear. They DO see rogues and all invis, including invis to
undead, regardless of what con says. *** BE CAREFUL *** They do have a small
aggro range, though.

Forsaken Revanant, Male - undead Magician - They look like male vampires and
have normal magic resistance. They also cast a mean damage shield and nasty
AE direct damage. Undead magic does work. They drop mage gear. They do not
see rogues, but do see normal invis. They have normal aggro range.

Forsaken Revanant, Female - undead Enchanter - They look like female
vampires and have high magic resistance, but they do not cast charm. They do
cast a damage shield, though. Undead magic works. They drop Enchanter gear.
They do not see rogues but do see normal invis. They have normal aggro

Ashenbone Drake - Necromancer - Looks like a skeletal dragon or a small
DracoLiche from Fear. They have high magic resist and love to cast Fear,
plus they hit like a tank. They drop a tank axe or a Shadow Knight shield or
weapon. They do not see rogues, but do see normal invis. They have an insane
aggro range and have been known to aggro stuff across the zone. Be extremely
careful on this one's aggro.

Maestro of Rancor - Bard - Looks like Lord Mistmoore, but since he hasn't
been seen in a long time, I guess Mistmoore looks like Maestro. He is a
Bard, but since NPCs do not use BardSong, you could say he's a warrior. He
hits a TON and has an ae lifetap on everything in melee range. And if he has
dual weapons, he hits extremely fast. He normally drops 2 items, mostly Bard
stuff, though a few monk items and a nice dropable shield. He sees rogues
and all normal invis, but his back is usually to the door so no problem. He
is the lesser boss of Hate.

Innoruuk - god - He looks like Innoruuk, no other way to say it. He does a
DeathTouch every 30 seconds or so of the fight and loves to cast gravity
flux. He has a long list of drops, and most of it nice. He sees rogues and
will DeathTouch you in a heart-beat.

Spawn Types:
Zone-Patrol - The first you will see on porting up is the zone-patrol.
Zone-patrol is about 4 roaming spawns just to make plane breaking more
difficult. They will spawn on the east wall right behind either house 5 or I
and walk the east wall S and up into the ceiling. Occasionally, one will
stop next to a house to buff the mobs inside and then cut at an angle due
SW, which could lead them into the port room itself, but they do not stay
there long. However, since they are zone-patrol, they will usually be right
beside the port room, so porting up could be a problem. Zone-patrol can be
Cleric, Spite, Ire, or Rat, and in that order of appearance. Repop on
zone-patrol is the same as static spawns if killed, so about 8 hours. If
they de-pop themselves, which they do if they make it to the zone-line, then
the repop is about 30 minutes or so, but since they walk right by the
zone-in, if you setup camp there, you will get them all. They have a less
than normal drop rate.

Normal Roamers - There are 2 patrol routes in Hate, the North and South. The
North route is basically just as is drawn on the map, except that the mobs
will make a square just north of the Fountain (house 8) and then head back
up the path to the NW end of it. The South route follows the path but where
it stops on the south wall, the path actually continues along the south wall
until past house T, then turns due north until just past the stairs in the
NW corner of house C (beside house Q), turns east and follow N wall of house
C to house A, then N around house A and back to meet the end of the drawn
route. On both of these route, there can be Lich, Rat, or Ire. And they are
both on a 30 minute timer, so be extremely careful. Also, the route can run
clockwise or counterclockwise, and the mobs can stop mid route and head
back. They like to stop on the S wall beside houses 2, U, and T, near the NW
corner of house C, near the opening between A and C, beside house 7, 6, 5,
4, 3, and 2, and near the Totem (the black dot between house 3 and 5.
In-game, is a pillar of faces with flames in their mouths). Be extremely
careful with them when near house 2 as they could easily aggro the stuff in
house C. The door to C is beside A, so if that happens, everything between C
and the zone room will aggro. All the roamers have low drop rates, though
the Ires seem to have the pali items rather frequently. But that could just
be because there are so many of them.

SW Corner - The SW corner is the other favorite pull spot (other than the
zone-in room). There are 3 semi-static spawns there, and they are 2 clerics
and a kirakuai. They are on a 30 minute timer and have very low drop rates.
They are here for one reason only... because it was a great pull spot away
from most of the roamer path. By being a 30 minute spawn, it makes camping
here much more difficult. I still prefer the zone-in room, even though you
have to fight with more of the roamer path.
Static Spawns - The ones in the houses are static spawns, and even they come
in two flavors. Some of the houses are huge, so they have fixed spawn points
and roamers within the houses. Static Spawns have the highest drop rates and
are on about an 8 hour timer. I will cover houses shortly.

Boss Mobs - This is Maestro and Inny. Maestro spawns in the far NW corner of
house D in front of the organ. Inny is in a room upstairs. Maestro is on the
same static timer, while Inny is on a 7 day spawn, so usually just after a
server repop. If the server is reset, or the zone crashes, all mobs in Hate
are depopped. This is to provide a little safety during reentry. When this
happens, the timer for the entire zone starts at 0, so 30 minutes later, all
the roamers will pop, then 15 more and the SW corner will pop, then about 8
more and the statics and Maestro will pop. So, what players do is as soon as
the server drops, they head in and setup since they only have to dead with
the normal roamers and possibly the zone-patrol. They then ask for a zone
repop, which the gm will do as long as it is ONE person that asks, not
everyone in the zone.