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Message ID: 21138
Date: Mon Aug 28 17:40:22 BST 2000
Author: Adam Wasserman
Subject: RE: [eqbards] The Mother of all Planes Posts, part 4: HATE BREAK

This continues Zyvalla's guide and covers break in strategy and the houses.
Edited for format only. The map used is the one made by Sertain T'Kell and
can be found here:

Although I prefer this map:

Draelon Stormsong
Bard of the 49th level
Tribunal Server


Break-in can be one of 2 methods, and both work well, depending on the
skills of the groups. It can be either a rogue in the first group to scout
and tell when the zone-patrol has gone be so can get some safety on entry.
For this method, everyone must be invisible. As soon as you get in, move the
S wall of the room and camp (NOT /q, camp), then meet in a chat room. The
scout will still be in and talking to the group. The last group up usually
ports up about the same time that the scout has someone (usually someone
with 2 systems so in chat and on another character in-game, or someone on a
twink logs out to chat) tells the folks in chat to log in. Once everyone is
in, the fights start.

The other method is 2 good groups head up at once and start fighting. The
next groups head up in pairs a few minutes apart (to keep from crashing the
zone with too many folks zoning into the same area all at once). This is the
much faster method, but is also more dangerous since the mobs in house 3
will aggro any roamers going by, who could aggro the mobs in house C, who
could... In any event, either method works well as I have been in on both. I
tend to prefer the fighting-break since less time spent, and the aggro mobs
in house C are not that frequent.


Pull team consists of a scout (the rogue), puller (fder), assister
(warrior), cleric, and 2 others. I prefer the 2 others to be enchanter and
another healer. I like an enchanter there so he/she knows what is coming in
since he may want to mez the first and hold it to fight the second. I like a
backup healer to help keep the assister and chanter alive, and to keep the
fder and ME alive.

The scout will do just that... scout. She will tell the fder what mobs are
where so as to avoid a lot of fd if possible, especially since the fd change
where higher mobs usually do not forget the fder. There are several key
vantage points to watch from, but most important until house C is clear is
to watch for aggro from there. When the puller pulls, tell him how many and
what he has. If he has 4 mobs, that is usually okay, unless it is 4 spites.
It is up to you as scout, the puller, and the chanter as to whether to bring
in the pull or let some of it get away. Don't worry if you miss some, they
will still be there.

The puller pulls mobs. The usual fd spot is in the in corner of the L of
house 3 just N of the entry to house 1. As long as the fights are inside
house 1, mobs there will usually not aggro. Puller pulls to there and fds.
Then the assister, when told to pull, hits one with bow to pull it into the
room. If the way is clear behind the puller (what the scout watches for),
then the puller gets up and pulls some more.

If there is only 1 mob in the fight room, be it the zone-in room or the SW
corner, then there are not enough mobs. A constant pull flow keeps everyone
busy and happy. It also clears the path the absolute best spot to pull to in
the zone... the Chapel (house D).


House 1 is the zone-in house. In fact, you will zone in almost exactly where
the 1 is drawn on the map. There are no spawns in this room, but the
zone-patrol will walk right by the E wall (just outside the house). Unless
you are in the pull group or told otherwise, STAY AWAY FROM THE DOOR. The
pull team cannot get into and out of the room if everyone is crowded in the
doorway. And a fight there could aggro the other mobs the puller has. Also,
stay away from the N wall for a little while, as it could aggro some of the
surrounding areas or the mobs pulled to pull spot. The entrance is on the NW
wall facing N (just under the rectangle on the map on the left side of the
room... that rectangle is only a hall).

House 2 has three spawns upstairs. One is always a box. The other two can be
abhorrents or ires. These do not aggro easily since all have short aggro
ranges, so pulling past them is usually okay. The usually do not aggro on
break-in, either. The only way the fights or pulls can aggro them is one of
the mobs with a large aggro range, then it will trigger them as well. It is
best to pull this room early. The entrance is on the N side.

House 3 will always be pulled with the zone-patrol aggro. The mobs from
zone-patrol will aggro them, so at break-in, there will be no less than one
from zone-patrol and the two from this house. The two in this house are
usually an abhorrent and an ire. Entrance is on the W side.

House 4 has a box upstairs. Do not pull this house until at least the first
half of house C is clear as it will aggro through the wall. Entrance is on
the NE side facing E (inside the L).

House 5 has an abhorrent downstairs and an ire or abhorrent upstairs.
Upstairs will not aggro from a downstairs pull, but it will if you pull from
beyond house 5. If you do not pull upstairs here, it will autopull when you
pull past it anyway. Entrance is on the SW side facing W (looking at the
door to house 4).

House 6 has a box and ire upstairs. These will not aggro from pulls around
them at all and are usually the only mobs left in the zone after a full
clearing. They can be pulled or just left. Pulls from here could aggro the
neighboring rev houses, so it is best to leave for a while. Entrance is on
the W side.

House 7 has a spawn right by the door and two more in the back of the house
on the SE side. All three spots can be abhorrents or ires. Careful here as
the S roamers like to stop just outside the door to this house, and the N
roamers could stop just to the N of it. Entrance is on the far SW side
closest to house C facing SW.

House 8 is not a house, but a fountain or well. It is only a landmark.

House 9 is the ramp up to Innoruuk's chamber. I will cover level 2 later.
Ramp starts on E side.

House A has a box and monk downstairs, and 2 abhorrents upstairs. The monk
will come as soon as you make a pull from anywhere near it, including the
chamber. The abhorrents are safe until you start pulling larger mobs past
it. The box may aggro on pulls, but has so short an aggro range it will
usually stay there. The entrance is on the SW side facing W. You can see the
box in the entrance.

House B has an abhorrent and monk upstairs and the same downstairs. The
downstairs monk will always aggro from any pull nearby, especially the house
C pulls. The upstairs and the abhorrent downstairs are usually left for
later (especially since there have been so many abhorrents so far). Entrance
is on the W side.

House C is generally called the Chamber or the Cleric House. This is the
first goal to be cleared (to prevent wall aggros). The entry is noted on the
map (right beside house A). guarding the entrance just inside are two
clerics. In the northern hallway (from the entrance to the NE corner), there
is a single roamer, but he can be anything on the spawn table. Usually, it
is a spite, rev (male or female), lich, monk, or ire, but I have even seen a
drake there. Just be careful and look before charging into the room. Mostly,
though, it is a spite or rev. In the far SE corner of the house is a throne,
and there is a cleric on either side of it. The central hall of house C
(between houses B and V) has 2 spawns, and both are roamers. One spawns on
the far west end of the hall and roams to the east end. The other spawns on
the far east end of the central hall and will roam all the way to the far
east wall of the house (close to house 2). These two can also be any mob on
the spawn table, but I mostly see rev, spite, ire, or lich on the east one,
and rev, lich, ire, spite, or drake on the west one. Be careful as the
drakes have a huge aggro range. A drake pull here could aggro a drake
upstairs, and that would be very bad. No real way to avoid it, but be
careful. The west side of the central hall has 2 clerics guarding the
passage (just inside the west side). There are also 2 roamers in the west
end of the house just below the stairs, and the roam from the stairs to the
central hall and back. They can be anything on the table, but I mostly see
lich, drake, or spite. Usually, if one roamer is in the corner near the
stairs, you can safely pull the other (once the 2 clerics are gone, that
is). In the far SW corner of the house, there is another roamer that stays
in that corner. I usually see lich or rat there, but have seen others also.
It is usually safe to pull from the west end and not get this guy, but he
does need to be killed. There is also a back entrance to the Chamber, noted
on the map on the W wall just above the SW corner. This is the door to pull
through when you camp SW corner.

House C upstairs has the same floor plan as downstairs. All spots upstairs
can be anything on the table. There are two roamers at the top of the stairs
(NW corner), one in SW corner, two in the central hall, and four in the East
hall. NW stays in NW corner, SW in SW, and the central hall stay there. The
ones in the east end will roam from just above the entrance downstairs (near
house A) all the way to the SE corner. NW is usually revs, SW a lich,
central a monk or ire, and east is usually drake, spite, lich, and rat. But
again, anything can be in any spot. It could be all drakes. Of course, that
would be very unlucky for most, nice for any sks, but still. In most
cases, the upstairs will not aggro from downstairs. However, if there is a
drake upstairs and down, they could overlap ranges and cause a chain aggro.
Usually, however, upstairs Chamber is left for later pulls.

House D is the Chapel. There are also a lot of mobs in here, and almost all
of them are roamers. Once the Chamber is clear, you should work on the
Chapel so you can move camp. The SW corner of the Chapel is generally called
the Throne, and it is the next camp site (after Maestro is killed). This is
because it avoids most of the S patrol route, and there is a much much
better pathing from the rev houses (NE corner) to the Chapel than to the
zone-in room. That path does cross the N roamer route, but there are less
roamers on the N route than S. Chapel entry is guarded by two clerics. there
are also two clerics in the far SW corner beside the throne. The only other
static spawns in the Chapel are Maestro and his guards.

The Chapel roamers all have specific roam and pull paths. There is one in
the SW (usually monk) corner that stays in that area, one in the corner on
the S wall closest to the entry (usually rev), one in the NE corner (usually
scorn), and one in the corner of the stairs (NE of the entry) (usually rev).
There is another one just S of Maestro (just N of house P) that roams from
that corner up to Maestro and back (usually abhorrent). Pull him when on the
S end of his route. And in addition to these area roamers, there are about
six or eight house roamers that will roam from near the throne area up to
near Maestro over to near the stairs. All roamers can be monk, abhorrent,
both revs, ire, lich, rat, scorn, or spite. There are specific paths for
each, but that is too much to put in this already long tutorial.

The Chapel also has an upstairs, like the Chamber, but it is not a full
floor plan. There is a balcony overlooking the organ, so the 2nd floor is
cut off from the top of the stairs angled a little S over to above the
corner N of house P. At the top of the stairs, there is one roamer, usually
a rev or scorn. In the SW corner is one, usually cleric or spite. There is
also one in the SE corner, usually rev or lich. All three of these can be
anything but drakes.

Maestro floats just in front of his organ in the far NW corner of the house.
He will have 4 personal guards, 2 on each side of him. In most cases, he
will be facing NW, but will turn to face his guards when they buff him. It
is safe to scout up behind him, but if facing you, he will aggro. His guards
are always spites or clerics, and can be any mix from all of one, to a mix,
or to all of the other. The entire Chapel, upstairs and down, plus some of
the surrounding houses must be pulled before he is or he will aggro
everything in his path. The best method for pulling him I've seen is for the
scout to sit on the far east wall looking out between houses 5 and 6. Make
sure you are up the wall a little. The puller hits Maestro and runs to the
area in front of that alley and fds. Do not go in the alley or Maestro will
be too close to the scout and kill her. The assister would come out to the
corner by the totem and wait. When the scouts sees only Maestro above the
puller, she will give the word and the assister will shoot Maestro and pull
him into the zone room. For this to work takes timing, and the roamers must
be clear. The puller must stay down as the guards will probably still be
aggroed on him, but they should be back home. If they make it home, and the
scout will go there to make sure, then the puller can get up. If they do not
come then, the puller is safe to join the fun pounding on Maestro and the
scout can go poke some, too. There are a number of tactics to actually kill
him once pulled. This is only info on how to pull him. After he is dead, you
can safely pull his guards as will any pull to split.

Once this is done, the raid usually moves camp to the Throne area of the
Chapel as noted before. The scout will scout the path, and the puller or
someone else will lead everyone there. If attacked along the way, do NOT
stop and fight. Keep running and take the mob to the Throne. If you fight in
the hall, more roamers could spawn on you or you could aggro something not
yet pulled. Once camp is reset, the puller and scout can get back to work
and pull everything else in the zone.

House E has a male rev just inside the door and another all the way through
near the bottom of the stairs. There is a female rev at the top of the
stairs on the second floor. Entrance is on the N wall just above the E on
the map.

House F has a rev outside just to the east of the entry and 2 more inside at
the bottom of the stairs. These are usually males, but could be either.
Entrance is on the N wall.

House G has three revs in the far S corner, and they are usually female.
Entrance is on the far N wall.

House H has one male rev downstairs. Entrance is on the SW corner facing

House I has a box in the NE corner and a rev in the nw corner. There is also
a rev upstairs. These can be either rev. Entrance is in the central N wall
facing N (middle of the U).

House J has one rev downstairs and two more upstairs, and they can be male
or female. Entrance is on the W side.

House K has one male rev in the SW corner downstairs and another upstairs.
Entrance is on the NW corner facing west.

House L has a female rev downstairs and two more upstairs. Entrance is on
the NE corner
facing east (looking into house K).

House M has box in the far NW corner. Entrance is on SW corner facing west.

House N has two revs in the back (far southern tip of the house). Entrance
is on NW wall.

House O has a scorn or monk. Entrance is on W wall.

House P has a monk and scorn downstairs, and a scorn or monk with a box
upstairs. This house is usually cleared before completing the Chapel.
Entrance is on E wall.

House Q has two monks or scorns downstairs and two upstairs. Entrance is on
W wall.

House R has a monk or scorn downstairs and another upstairs. Entrance is on
far SE wall.

House S has a box in the NW corner and a scorn or monk in NE corner. There
is nothing upstairs. But there are the corner spawns outside (monk and 2
clerics in SW zone corner). Entrance is in the center of the U.

House T has nothing that I have ever seen.

House U has a monk or scorn. Entrance is on NE wall facing east.

House V has a monk or scorn upstairs. Entrance is on NW wall facing west.
For the revs, monks, and scorns, I have been as accurate as possible. So
don't count the mobs here and then what you find and say I am wrong. It is
nearly impossible for a rogue to get accurate scorn counts since they see
us. And the revs are done so seldom that I forget on them. But I think this
is almost perfect.

Now, Up the ramp to Innoruuk... (House 9 on the map)

At the top of the ramp, there are two drakes. They can be pulled without
aggroing anything else. Once at the top of the ramp, there are only four
doors you can go into. The one on the S side, closest to the ramp is a small
house. There is a monk, scorn, abhorrent, or spite upstairs in there.

There are two entries on the east side of the courtyard up there, the S one
goes nowhere, the N one has a small house with 2 spawns, usually cleric,
rev, monk, or scorn. Careful with this one as it could aggro Innoruuk
through the wall (wall is close to the west T at the end of his hall).

The entrance to the N of the area at the top of the ramp is Innoruuk's Hall.
The hall goes N, turns right and heads east, then turns south and goes to a
T that turns east and west, both of which dead end. There are two static
spawns guarding the door. They can be anything but drakes (though not seen a
rat there either). Within the hall, everything else, including Innoruuk
himself, will roam. Some will roam all the way to the entrance, but only as
deep as about half of the east hall going S. Others, including Innoruuk,
will roam only to the far NW corner of the Hall, but will go all the way
back to the T, and roam between the two ends of the T. The roamers can be
anything but drakes and rats. There are also 2 deep roamers back at the T,
and they are always drakes.

Be very careful pulling the Hall. Inny will see sneaking. I have never even
been able to sneak behind him, though that is probably just my bad luck and
he turns around. And he will Death Touch. Every mob in the Hall except the 2
drakes in the back can be pulled without aggroing Inny. You just have to
watch for him and get out of his way.
Normal Inny pulling takes 3 people, the puller, the assister, the scout, and
the sacrifice. The scout will check on his location (best to pull him from
the NW corner near entrance so as to avoid aggroing the drakes in the back),
then get out of the way. The sacrifice will charge and take the DT. The
puller will then pull Inny and run for the Throne. If lucky and properly
buffed, he can make it back there. If not, the assister grabs Inny and pulls
him the rest of the way. Then you fight him. The scout then goes safely into
the hall and drags out the body of the sacrifice to be resed.
Pull order on all of the houses is up to the pull team and leader of the
raid. Please do NOT ask that some mob get pulled. If the pull team is a good
one, they will try their best to keep a very balanced set of pulls in order
to keep everyone happy. Revs are usually the last to be pulled, but if the
pull team is good, they can get a few of the rev houses before clearing the
Chapel. Houses U and V can also be pulled as soon as house C is clear, which
would help keep the bards and warriors happy. Any other pull notes, I have
made in the tutorial.

Always use assist. If you start beating on a mezzed target, the enchanters
will start yelling and may even cut off your clarity or swift supply. Don't
make the dealers mad.
Only the puller and scout have SoW and are in run mode. Everyone else is in
walk with no speed. If you use wolf-form, make sure you are in walk mode at
least. If you get feared, you could end up on the NE corner or the NW
corner. If you get lost out there from fear, don't worry. The scout can find
you and take you back. If you are killed, no matter where you are killed,
the scout can find you and take you back for a res. If under Maestro or
Inny, it might take a few minutes, but she will get you back for a res.
Don't worry, no one gets left in Hate. Well, not usually.

Either the main chanter or the scout will call camp. No one else. If they
are both dead, it is usually not a good sign anyway. If camp is called, you
MUST protect the clerics and help them get out first. If you are a tank and
camp while a cleric is being beaten, you will probably be run out of the
raid. Clerics can res anyone back up. If all the clerics are dead, it means
porting new clerics up to res. Clerics and Enchanters are the two main
classes to be protected. None of the mobs in Hate are very hard. In fact,
most are rather easy. But only in small numbers or in controllable
situations. A lot of mobs with no healing or crowd control, and everyone
dies. It's not so much that the deaths hurt since everyone there should be
getting a lvl 49 or higher res anyway, but it does break the rhythm of the
hunt and add some serious downtime. With a good pull team, there will always
be mobs to kill, and everything will be under control... usually. Even with
the best team, accidents can happen. If they do, just try again. Don't get
discouraged or blame the pull team.

The objective is to have a fun and adventuresome trip. Just remember that,
and everything else will fall into place.

Have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Zyvalla Kwikfingers, Scout of Hate House Arcanum of BristleBane