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Message ID: 21273
Date: Thu Sep 7 23:01:40 BST 2000
Author: Temporary absense of creativity
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Lullaby Update - looking real bad

Mabey I am being overly cynical but...

Hooray for you.
Honestly..EQ is boring.
I dont want it to be, but it is.

Im tired of logging on and doing nothing for 2 hours because there are 100
people in a zone and
I dont feel like spending an hour walking to the next appropriate zone ( and
I will NEVER waste
15pp just to be teleported...im cleap).

I am also tired of all the anger and dissapointment I feel towards Verant.
Lets face it...those bozos have done some laughably stupid things, not only
bards, but to a whole slew of classes.

If you keep on playing, what else is there to do?
It only gets worse, and one you hit the big 60 and
have all the best gear, will it have been worth it?

I doubt it. Save your money and your sanity.

Log out permanetly..:)

> My response was goodbye. I'm tired of being lied to, led on walks down
> garden path, whatever you want to call it. When the Master Spell designer
> states that a song/spell should "work just like mez, but mez lasts a lot
> longer" and that could not be farther from the truth, I think it's time to
> pack it in. It's too bad really, but the ridiculous nerfs of the bard
> have made it not only not fun to play any longer, but have spoiled the
> game experience for me. When my Druid 5 levels lower than my bard can
> on mobs that are 5 levels above what my bard can fight effectively (all
> without kiting) there is no balance. Neither character has an
> time getting around, selling stuff, getting into groups etc. The only
> my bard had over my druid was versatility and that has disappeared over
> course of the last year. Heck my druid's level one Snare spell works
> than my level 23 Chains song does. I just don't have the patience any
> for the BS. Hopefully I'll see many of you in a later incarnation. Now I
> just have to decide what to do until my paid time runs out. Walking
> petitioning every "Reallyfubar" and "Bytemiass" sounds like a good use of
> the time.
> Kit
> "sadly walking towards the setting sun"
> "which may be East if I'm in OOT currently"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Sniderman [mailto:fuzzbone@...]
> Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 3:21 PM
> To: EQ Bards
> Subject: [eqbards] Lullaby Update - looking real bad
> http://boards.station.sony.com/everquest/Forum2/HTML/011697.html
> Question is - how should we respond if and when they state "It works as
> intended"...
> Slyde
> Abashi
> Station Member posted 09-07-2000 12:56 PM
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> >>>Could you give EsterTheTester a small ring and let her know that
> resistance rates are based on player level NOT spell level?
> Actually there are components of both depending on the spell.
> Some spells are inherently more or less resistable than others. An example
> of this is the "Fear" series. The higher levels of the fear series are
> inherently less resistable.
> Concerning caster level, it's not so much the casters level as it is the
> casters level versus the level of the target. Resistance values receive a
> modifier based on this difference.
> >>>If you could let her know this it would really help with her testing of
> Lullabye for Bards.
> The testing is complete, the game designers and programmers have been
> consulted, and results are in. I'm afraid that the bards will not like
> results. We'll announce more later today.
> -Gordon
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
> with the subject submissions.
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.