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Message ID: 21313
Date: Fri Sep 8 22:04:58 BST 2000
Author: Reece Tom R CPT 25 ID L G4(n)
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Horizons (was Official confirmation from Ester)

Well I can only speak for myself, but I'm now inclined to give games that
include PvP a shot. I was going to buy UO when it came out until I read
about the rampant PKing. So I decided to hold off and buy EQ instead. But
I was quickly disappointed that the gameplay in EQ didn't include the
questing/adventuring aspects I was used to in single player CRPGs. EQ was
my first MMORPG so I wasn't aware of the difficulties involved in including
those aspects of gameplay in the game. As we are all aware, gameplay in EQ
is almost entirely centered around camping. Well I abhor camping so don't do
it anymore. I have long since stopped worrying about getting phat lewt.
Only reason I play the game anymore is for the social aspect of grouping
with my guildmates. Dungeon crawling is non existent. Primary purpose of
guilds is to help you find someone to group with and make raids easier, not
as a social organization.

So why am I now interested in MMORPGs that include PvP?
1) Since I am no longer concerned with acquiring phat lewt, the impact of
getting PKed is reduced. If I do get PKed, my friends in the guild will
help re-equip me and help me get revenge on the PKer.
2) PvP promotes guilds that act as social entities. I now think the idea
of guildwars and largescale PvP battles is more entertaining than PvE. The
AI is better plus there is a stronger sense of comaraderie amongst
3) Anarchy Online will include personal quest dungeons that are only
accessible to the player/group who have obtained the quest. These dungeons
will be temporarily created when the quest is given. The player/group will
not have to worry about other players/groups interferring. No training, no
killstealing, no spawn camping. Instead it will be true dungeon crawling.
Work your way thru the dungeon, complete the quest, return to the quest NPC
and get your reward. Truly a unique idea that Verant has said is in the too
hard to do category.

A few more but I have to get back to work.

Galtin of E'ci

-----Original Message-----
From: jhenders@... [mailto:jhenders@...]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 10:47 AM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Horizons (was Official confirmation from Ester)

Some interesting ideas, but it all devolves down to the basic problem
that grief players will dedicate way more time to figuring out the
loopholes in the system than any sane developer can spend or afford to
pay someone to spend conteracting them.

What really bothers me the most is that people have pretty well
overwhelmingly shown they don't like this kind of forced pvp, yet so
many of the new MMORPG developers seem to remain convinced that they
have the magic bullet that will convince people that they are wrong to
dislike it. This reminds me far too much of the same kind of arrogance
that we've seen from Verant, where they quite clearly seem to think
they've made a near perfect game if people would just play it the way
they were supposed to.

On Fri, Sep 08/00, "Kimes, Dean W." <dean_kimes@...> wrote:

> Yes, and no. I don't think they believe that their PvP environment will
> perfect, but they think it will be good. I like the concept behind it and
> generally I abhor PvP because it is all about PK for the most part. Two
> things they are doing will make a huge difference. Like the Team PvP
> servers, only races openly at war can PvP one another without consequence.
> The big difference is, there will not be a way to tell the difference
> between PC's and NPC's on sight. If you see an Orc on the road ahead and
> you are an elf, you know that he is dangerous to you, whether he is a
> or an npc.
> Their consequence system is brutal against PK'ers. If you kill a race
> you are not at war with, even a mere 5 or 6 times you will suffer enormous
> problems. These problems will include having npc bounty-hunters showing
> to kill you at random. Playing a PK character would rapidly become
> unplayable as every time you logged in you were ambush by these npc
> enforcers. Even if you kept your PK-ing to a race yours was at war with,
> you would always find yourself in enemy territory where few would feel any
> compunction against killing you.
> I wasn't really interested much in Horizons initailly due to it's PvP
> system, but they have convinced me to give it a chance. They feel their
> system will promote the 'risk game' like Player competition while severely
> punishing to the point of oblivion anyone who PK's for the joy of hurting
> others. Time will tell.
> Kit
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.

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