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Message ID: 22055
Date: Tue Oct 17 22:43:22 BST 2000
Author: Cyr, Thierry
Subject: Wooho Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a Bard!!! *does a little dance*


Weee i hope this helps us out, Absor (gordo's replacement) seems to be a
bard. Could it be we might have someone represent us that has a clue now?

"Many of my people brag that they have been granted the best traits of their
parents. Perhaps. But we also bear the burden of that heritage. Neither
Humans nor Elves love us, yet we must find our way in their society. Often
enough this isolation breaks our spirit. We have never found our own
society, and therefore can find no place to call home. But for some, myself
included, this has been a blessing. We are not restricted by racial
boundaries, and have the pleasure to claim all of Norrath as home."

- Absor, Half-Elven Bard

Forgive my happiness, i know bards aren't suppose to be all cheery and
affect their entourage in a positive way.

Sol Ro