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Message ID: 22054
Date: Tue Oct 17 21:40:28 BST 2000
Author: Ioshua
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Question about crafted weapons

Yea, regular mithril sheets for imbued too, just + gem. I've got a 175
and succeed about 80% on morningstars and about 50% on rapiers. I've
tried daggers and you would think in 4 attempts at least one success..
Note: I have done maybe 20 attempts and had 0 increases but my int is
only 85 and my str 124 with Chant.

Er, rapiers? They're bad mammajammas but I cruised all over the old
world, hitting the low-mid level zones, and nobody wanted one. I was
trying to sell them for 200. That is not a bad price since they average
at 10 damage per minute below an EBW mid 30 but have +stats and 200
1/15 the cost. I eventually gave one away for 55p + a screaming mace
because I wanted to clear out inventory (the mace will sell quickly).
In general tho I'll sell everything for 200, was selling morningstars
for 300 and they went but I felt dirty.

I'd be up for taking custom orders if it weren't such a pain getting
imbued emeralds/plains pebbles and morning dew. That and hanging out in
GFay really puts a dent in my ever-slow leveling. I need to get some
more emeralds/dew for some backordered morningstars but if 200p in
cash/goods/services sounds ok then have your friend shoot me a tell. If
it's not I'm sure something can be arranged.

Cheers, Jeers and Beers,


--- "Kimes, Dean W." <dean_kimes@...> wrote:
> Hey Ninev, I noticed the fier'dal weapons use regular mithril sheets.
> Is
> this true even for the Imbued Weapons? What skill does one need to
> have a
> reasonable success rate on them?
> I have a ranger friend on E'ci who'd love to have a Tunare Rapier,
> what are
> you selling them for?
> Kitasi

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