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Message ID: 22053
Date: Tue Oct 17 21:04:41 BST 2000
Author: jhenders@bogon.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Tech question

On Tue, Oct 17/00, JESSICA_WEBBER@... wrote:
> But anyway, that's the problem I can learn to live with. What's killing me
> now is, I THINK, lag. See, lag spikes on my old PC basically just made
> movements slow and choppy. What's happening now is my screen completely
> locks up for about 20 seconds, during that time I'll hear about 5 seconds
> of the me piercing something repeatedly, followed by 5ish seconds of me
> screaming in agony repeatedly, followed by 5 seconds of the mob
> barking/growling/etc, and so on. It's like the client is playing all the
> sound effects of the battle in order of effect rather than chronological.
> And I can do NOTHING while this is going on.

I used to get something similar to this with my old pc when new graphics
loaded. Part of the problem was slow disk drives. Did you load the
motherboard udma drivers for your drives? Are they set up as mode 4 or
better in the bios? Do they show up in the control panel/system utility
as having dma enabled?

The other thing I could see that would account for this is if you are
using one of those winmodems. Any modem that offloads any part of the
signal processing to the cpu can cause problems, especially with games.

Sound care drivers are another possibility. Go to the manufacturer's
website and download the latest drivers. If the chipset maker has their
own reference drivers, also try those.

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