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Message ID: 22079
Date: Thu Oct 19 12:26:51 BST 2000
Author: Qaelan
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Tech question

The problem is mostly likely your new sound card, if it is a sound blaster

I had the same prob with my SB live card, go to the offical EQ site, and
there is a troubleshooting guide that is very helpful, also there are links
to the drivers to dowload.


----- Original Message -----
From: <jhenders@...>
To: <eqbards@egroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 6:04 AM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Tech question

> On Tue, Oct 17/00, JESSICA_WEBBER@... wrote:
> >
> > But anyway, that's the problem I can learn to live with. What's killing
> > now is, I THINK, lag. See, lag spikes on my old PC basically just made
> > movements slow and choppy. What's happening now is my screen completely
> > locks up for about 20 seconds, during that time I'll hear about 5
> > of the me piercing something repeatedly, followed by 5ish seconds of me
> > screaming in agony repeatedly, followed by 5 seconds of the mob
> > barking/growling/etc, and so on. It's like the client is playing all
> > sound effects of the battle in order of effect rather than
> > And I can do NOTHING while this is going on.
> >
> I used to get something similar to this with my old pc when new graphics
> loaded. Part of the problem was slow disk drives. Did you load the
> motherboard udma drivers for your drives? Are they set up as mode 4 or
> better in the bios? Do they show up in the control panel/system utility
> as having dma enabled?
> The other thing I could see that would account for this is if you are
> using one of those winmodems. Any modem that offloads any part of the
> signal processing to the cpu can cause problems, especially with games.
> Sound care drivers are another possibility. Go to the manufacturer's
> website and download the latest drivers. If the chipset maker has their
> own reference drivers, also try those.
> --
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