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Message ID: 22072
Date: Wed Oct 18 17:07:58 BST 2000
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Wooho Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a Bard!!! *does a little dance*

Oh gods, he's an idiot. Or at least he doesn't use correct terminology if
he thinks Lullaby is a 'Lull' song. Harmony is a 'Lull' song, so is Lament.
Lullaby is not. His conclusion that bards are cool because we can find some
guys corpse, even if our songs are broken is ludicrous. Necros can find
corpses too, so would they be cool if their pet spells fizzled 60% of the
time. Nothing like the slap of the cold hand of reality.


-----Original Message-----
From: jhenders@... [mailto:jhenders@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 4:47 PM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Wooho Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a
Bard!!! *does a little dance*

Hmm. Check out his other article here. A little less encouraging, I'd


On Tue, Oct 17/00, "Cyr, Thierry" <thierry.cyr@...> wrote:
> http://www.eqx.simplenet.com/Issue50/musings.htm
> Weee i hope this helps us out, Absor (gordo's replacement) seems to be a
> bard. Could it be we might have someone represent us that has a clue now?

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*

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