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Message ID: 22066
Date: Wed Oct 18 13:17:06 BST 2000
Author: Mott, Mike J.
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Wooho Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a Bard!! Absor's a Bard!!! *does a little dance*

ACK! Clan Battlehammer is falling apart! I have always respected
and enjoyed hunting with members of the Clan since its inception within the
months following the retail release.

I am truly sorry to see it go!

Lago Bardoon of Bertox, 44th Composition, Defenders of Aleria

[playing a soulfull dirge for the demise of Clan Battlehammer]

> ---Windleaf Mistsong
> No longer a member of the falling apart Clan Battlehammer on Bertox :(