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Message ID: 235
Date: Sun Apr 25 00:44:48 BST 1999
Author: JR McConnell
Subject: Re: A lot of misinformation

After having read the original message, and this further explanation I feel
very uncomfortable. A bard in the classical sense was a teacher of the
masses, in their historical guise as first level Druids they where charged
with helping the masses where the priests where unable to. Their stories and
songs contained news, moral lessons, and good advice on life, love, and
happiness. For any to say you are wrong, and I do not have the time to
correct is only self serving. Even the message I am replying to seems more a
justification that and explanation... Even to say Look at my 'experience' is
a misnomer for much 'experience' can be granted for being in the right place
at the right time. It does not mean one has learned anything.

A bard never has to say here are my credentials, for they know it is in
their words, songs, and actions where they will be found. A bard is a
chronicler of others not themselves. Leaving it to others to decide on the
value of their works. I am greatly distressed by this thread, but more over
the personal attack on others without offering help. For that shows one that
is more worried about being found inadequate rather than wishing to be a
light in the darkness. For it is good to offer what one thinks is true, and
allow ones self to be corrected. rather than keep quiet and not know the
true value of ones knowledge.

It is easy to throw snipes, to be a source takes much more.

I also an thankful this thread came up, for I had just sent a application
to that guild. For it has allowed me to see I was wrong in applying. I am
glad for it allows me to ask that the application be rescinded before anyone
puts any work into it. I can not belong to a group that would allow, and
possibly foster this attitude. For a group is as strong as it weakest
member. and all members reflect on the whole. I have nothing bad to say
about them, and still believe them to be a good group, with good ideals. it
is just not for me.

I wish I could find a guild that I feel comfortable with, and may some day
will. Who knows maybe I will find a like group of people who seek service to
others over personal fame and recognition. I may someday find a group who
think the same as I and we could form such a group our selves. but that is
to time to choose...

So please, if you have advise to offer, please do. If not please do not
just defame, but rather allow others to offer the proper corrections. For it
will help the poster as well as the reader if a post (no matter how wrong)
is made. so all can find the truth. To remain silent is to remain ignorant.
I am not saying that you do not have a right to your option, say what you
feel you should, I only hope to say that others should not stop speaking for
worry of what another may say. For if I have a problem, that is what the
'Ignore' feature of my Mail client is for...

- SnowLynx, Gentleman Bard of Freeport...

PS - I have left the reply train mostly in tact (which is unlike I usually
do, for I like to keep them short but) for those that do not have access to
the full train of thought that I am replying to. I am sorry, but felt it
important in this respect. I will do my best to refrain from doing it again.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Pickle [mailto:scottp@...]
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 5:11 PM
> To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
> Subject: [eqbards] Re: A lot of misinformation
> From: Scott Pickle <scottp@...>
> Dear Berk,
> 'Tis sad to see a bard speak so harshly. You don't know me well, then. My
> intent is to prevent a novice bard from getting incorrect information.
> Being a founder of the Soerbaird, with members who have put hours of time
> into various Beta Phases, and much research into all things
> Bardic, I would
> say I have access to a lot of good information and research. I
> need only to
> turn to my fellow Soerbaird for accurate information I don't
> already have. A
> level 25 bard in our guild seems to be quite a rich source of experiential
> knowledge.
> Our guild is built to be a boon for Bards, and thus it's my
> charge, as well
> as the charge all Soerbaird to be helpful.
> I guess I don't think it's arrogant or selfish to ask people to
> be accurate
> rather than wrong. I don't think young bards want to be given incorrect
> information. "Guesstimates" are fine, so long as they are posed
> that way. My
> contention was that people were posting incorrect information as truth.
> As for time, I give what time I have to providing a source of
> information to
> Soerbaird as well as to anyone interested. I built the Soerbaird
> web site as
> a resource for you or anyone else - as well as for my guild. I have indeed
> invested many hours into developing this information storehouse
> for you and
> anyone else.
> While it's only 1 week old, the site will soon be overflowing with
> information for young and old bards alike. I can tell you the
> leaders of the
> Soerbaird spend little time powergaming, and much time tinkering with
> quests, writing ballads, and testing techniques for bards.
> As you might imagine, it takes time to document research, and I'm always
> grateful to those who do.
> Dendall, Ollave of the Aegis
> http://www.soerbaird.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Rice [mailto:johnrice@...]
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 1:49 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Re: A lot of misinformation
> From: "John Rice" <johnrice@...>
> Why don't you enlighten all us poor dunces
> with your incredible deductive prowess?
> Oh, what, you don't have the time?
> You would prefer to passively benefit only
> from the most exacting research of others,
> and not their guesstimates? Personally I follow
> the big grain of salt rule for almost anything
> that comes across my cable modem.
> My preliminary deduction is that you are selfish
> and arrogant.
> Berk Half-Elven
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Scott Pickle [mailto:scottp@...]
> > Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 4:05 PM
> > To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
> > Subject: [eqbards] A lot of misinformation
> >
> >
> > From: Scott Pickle <scottp@...>
> >
> > I could spend hours trying to correct a lot of misinformation
> being posted
> > by some people. I would ask that if you aren't 100% sure about the
> > information you give, don't post it as a statement, rather ask it as a
> > question.
> >
> > It reveals to me there's a lot of poor deductive logic going on
> with some
> > players - drawing conclusions from game experiences that are
> more based on
> > coincidence than on good research.
> >
> > I don't care to try and correct some of these things - I just ask that,
> > going forward, people be more cautious about the things they declare as
> > truth.
> >
> > There's a big difference between:
> >
> > ---- "Hill Giants can outrun Selo's"
> > and
> > ---- "A Hill Giant seemed to outrun my Selo's, has anyone else
> seen this?"
> > The complicated thing is that one MAY have tested this fully, and
> > thus could
> > say:
> > ---- "I tried running 10 times from a Hill Giant and here are the
> > results...."
> >
> > - Dendall, Ollave of the Aegis
> > http://www.soerbaird.com