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Message ID: 24665
Date: Wed May 9 13:49:41 BST 2001
Author: Rebecca Small
Subject: RE: Guild Loot Rules

Venator Sapentia is currently discussing loot rules. Inside the guild, I
think the system is mainly who needs (doesn't have something as good or
better), then who can or will use, and if none of those 2 apply, it gets
open lottoed. I personally won't put in on a lotto unless it is something I
will actively use. The reason we're discussing loot rules is we do alot of
raids with other guilds and there has been some discussion between the
guilds about how it's done. I think the issue is more about folks walking in
5 minutes before the God mob dies and winning lottos. Being loot happy does
count against you in VS and Excalibur. Both those guilds will quickly point
you to the Xegony guild that is famous for that.
As to Bards, we were leaving CoM a few weeks ago and a couple of guilds were
doing some lottos of dragon drops in EJ. They were using shout/ooc. The
leader made a statement that bards were ineligible for haste items. I
mentioned something about 'remind me never to help that guild do anything'
to my cleric. He was really incensed that anyone would exclude a bard on a
haste item. His comment to the zone was along the lines of never piss off
your bards since you depend on them for so many things. I myself have a sash
of Dragonborne. I got it by default in HS by being the only melee in the
group that didn't have a similar item. The group didn't bother to lotto it,
just told me to pick it up. We also hand stuff around. My cleric has lottoed
for anf won 2 shields off dragons. The second one he liked better and gave
his first one to our shaman friend. He won a scale for the green BP from
Wooshi. When he got his Donal's bp shortly after, the green BP went to the
shaman also.
My luck is so good at lottoing, I even won the 'who gets to be the key
corpse' lotto last night! Took the enchanter forever to kill me!

Gratz Gilgurth and Elfson!

Brilinnia Ban'Sidhe (trudging oh so slowly towards 57)
Venator Sapentia, Xegony