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Message ID: 24666
Date: Wed May 9 14:07:28 BST 2001
Author: Robert(Bob) Smith
Subject: Re: Guild Loot Rules

> Sounds like you are in a great guilds where people work
> together for the common good. Your lucky - that's not
> very common (especially from what I've seen on Xegony).

Bah! Let me know when you want to come on a DC raid, Slyde, you might
be surprised with what you see. (Maybe this is why DC was
tagged "Friendliest Uber Guild on Xegony" -- not that I would
consider us "Uber".)

The topic of loot has come up a few time (well, more than most of us
would like,) and here is our simplified loot rules.

#1) Need before greed -- an item must be one you will use a majority
of the time on your main character. If you say it will, your word it
taken (and yes, we have a druid with a FBSS. *Smiles*)

#2) Some areas have been flagged "God Loot" -- Hate floor 2, Dragons,
VS, etc... if there are multiple characters who want in on an item
like this, only characters 54+ are considered, if there are no 54+,
then 53 and below are in on the lotto. THIS IS ONLY FOR "GOD LOOT".
Please note, each class in encouraged to come up with their own
system for items that are class specific. For example, there are only
4 primary bards in DC, we just talk things over when dropped, the
druids often know who gets the next item before then raid even
starts, etc...

#3) DC has no time limit on raid loot -- I once logged into Hate and
before I could join up with the others, I had already won a diamond
(or blue diamond).

#4) The guild maintains a "guild bag" (ok, this is a symbolic bag --
the items actually reside on many different guild characters) of
items (equipment, quest gems, spells, etc...) no one currently
wants/needs. You are free to take an item out of the bag if you want
it, and are encouraged to put things into it. If the bag accumulates
too much stuff, bag items are traded for better items, sold to fund
raid stones (or coffins *Smiles*). The guild bag is also used each
Christmas when Saanta Claws (our guild Ogre in Rubicite) gives out
items to guild/newbies/friendly people over a period of a few weeks
(we are actually thinking about moving this to two times a year.)

#5) When you no longer need a guild item, you can either trade it for
a better item (still guild), pass it to another guild member, or put
it in the guild bag. For example, I was using a melod
trunch/symphonic sabre combo, and another main Bard leveled to 45.
Since he was using two yaks, I passed my sabre to him, and started
using a guild yak on my offhand. We then found another saber on a
Char raid, which was given to me. A couple of weeks ago, we had a
level 51 bard join who had poor weapons... I once again passed on my
saber (although I now use Renux's sword in my offhand.)

#6) If there is ANY question on who is in on a lotto, the raid leader
makes a decision... and that is final.

#7) Any non-DC on a DC raid is treated as though they are DC -- no
time limits, 54+ rule, everything... Sure, the guild often loses nice
items, but we have a lot of friends, and, well, this game (to me) is
not about items.

I am pretty sure these rules would not work for a lot of guilds, but
since we try to keep a "family" environment, and have a lot of trust
in our (very fair) raid leaders, it seems to work for us. (And, yes,
we have lost members over loot issues -- just gonna happen.)

Be well,
