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Message ID: 24675
Date: Thu May 10 03:05:48 BST 2001
Author: Windleaf Mistsong
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Guild Loot Rules

At 11:58 AM 5/8/01 -0500, Bill Mann wrote:
>(tried sending this once before, and it got returned :oP )
>My guild recently allied with 2 others to have a sizeable raiding force, and
>have come up with a point-based system that seems to work pretty well (it's
>new so there may be kinks)
>Everyone starts out at 20pts. This is the base minimum you can have, and
>therefore roll to (ie: /random 1 20)
>For your first raid, you get 30 points (this is to help folks who may not
>belong to any of the 3 guilds, yet are along to help)
>If you stay for a whole raid, you get 30 points (shorter raids get smaller
>If you stay for 2 hours to about halfway, you get half points
>If you pass on a roll for your class (that isn't junk) you get an extra 5 or
>10 (can't remember which) points per pass (this helps folks who are only
>after one or two items)
>Winning something knocks off 10 points (although I would like to see it
>dropped to base 20), and you are not allowed to roll again until everyone in
>that class has won something (unless it's an uber item).
>One of the main reasons for this was fairness. We wanted to be able to
>reward folks for coming on raids they wouldn't normally go on (Clerics in
>Fear) without over-penalizing folks who can't make it due to RL. We also
>wanted to set up a heirarchy so that folks who only needed a few items would
>have a better shot, without using level as a point-modifier (therefore
>encouraging p-leveling just so you can be the highest level and get a better
>chance at something). This gives EVERYONE a shot at an item, the more
>you've won, the less of a shot youhave. The more you've gone on and the
>more loot you've passed on, the better a shot you have.
>We have also broken loot into 3 gropups:
>trash (ie: Imbrued bracers)
>Common (legs, arms, bps, etc)
>rares (rare and god drops)
>Trash loses no points for being looted, and gains no points for passing
>(trash is determined by a class beforehand)
>The rares and god drops will most likely be NBG or straight /random if more
>than 1 is deemed in need
>49th Season of Bardic Fun
>New OutRiders
>The Rathe

Is there a maximum to one's roll? ie. If you have, let's say 1000 points
built up, you get to roll from 1-1000?
