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Message ID: 2497
Date: Sun Jun 27 22:49:15 BST 1999
Author: M Sanford
Subject: Re: Weapon dmg formula (Boring calculations)

Well you've thought this out a whole lot more than I have hehe.

> I would suggest that J.M. knows the answer, but I would bet my
> bard's life that he isn't going to post a formula. Firstly he
> likely wouldn't want to, and secondly it may be against a
> confidentiality clause in his contract. ;)
> Besides, it would ruin all the fun we have of throwing ideas
> back and forth. ;)

Yes, I thought the same thing, but you never know.

> You haven't stated your 'skill lvl/strength bonuses'. Personally
> I HATE magic numbers (I'm a programmer), so throwing in a '9' is
> unsatisfactory without explanation, IMHO.

Aye, seems too simple doesnt it. The thing is, back in my newbie days, I could
hit for 17 with a mino axe. So I just assumed the formula was, as I stated
earlier,weapon dmg * 2 + strength/skill bonuses. And with the mino axe it'd be
8 * 2 + 1 (It'd make sense that my strength/skill bonus would only amount to
1, since I was a newbie afterall). This formula seemed to remain true through
out my character's life as I went from weapon to weapon. Combine LS, barbed
whips, etc.

> Obviously. Firstly you didn't say what skill that weapon used,
> so i can't check my own formula. But assuming it is a 1H or
> piercing weapon, my formula gives max damage of 34. Pretty close,
> if not correct.

Yes, a 1h weapon. I am a bard afterall =) Also, last night I peaked at 36 dmg

> Also, I have a problem with a dmg * (something) + something else.
> Personally the idea of dmg * (something + something else) is more
> appealing to me, as it gives greater return as 'something' and
> 'something else' (say STR and skill) increase.

Whatever you say =) You seem to have a better understanding of mathematics.

> The inconsistent results you recieved also suggest that whatever
> formula you used to get your magic number '9' is wrong. Did you
> actually use a formula, or did you just say "dmg * 2 - max = 9,
> so the modifier must be + 9"?
> The fact that it doesn't work suggests that the modifier is not
> just a linear addend.

Well as I said before, about my Mino axe days. The dmg * 2 + variable seemed
to work.As I progressed through levels, it has always been dmg * 2 + 1, dmg *
2 + 2,
dmg * 2 + 3, +4, +5, +6 etc etc, up until now where its at +9... until I used
this new weapon that seems to break the rules. (Which I dont mind, hehe)

Another theory: I've never used a weapon before that had a greater base dmg
than 8 (yea, the mino axe). Perhaps there's a different formula for different
dmg weapons. Like 2h weapons seem to have totally different rules. My ranger
friend can hit for 61 with a 2h black iron bastard sword, which has a base dmg
of 20. So what I'm getting at, is maybe there's a different formula for
weapons that have a greater base damage than say... 10.
And a different formula for those greater than say 15. Regardless if the
weapon is 1h or 2h.

> As posted earlier by myself, i believe the formula is something like:
> dmg * max( (skill in weapon + STR)/100 , 2) + 1

Ok, what is the "max" you refer to?

Also, ever take a look at the ATK? Maybe you can figure out a way that it fits
into a formula, since the ATK number adds up offense skill, weapon skill (the
weapon in your primary hand) and strength. Perhaps maximum dmg is related
directly to your ATK? Just a thought.

Thanks for your help.

Maev Lorekeeper
Tarew Marr