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Message ID: 25837
Date: Thu Feb 14 20:03:37 GMT 2002
Author: Christopher Sanders
Subject: RE: [eqbards] twisting 5, added note

The song timer has improved my missed note detection. The big box
disappearing too soon after starting a song is easier to spot than the line
in the chat box, and the gems resetting, especially when a lot of things are
happening on the screen. Other than keeping half an eye on it for that
reason, I try to not rely on it. Overall, it's not that big a deal, to me.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 2:52 PM
To: eqbards@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] twisting 5, added note

I've never attempted to twist 4 in a group - because at my level and in the
zones I'm in you don't want to miss the first call of "/g run" or "/shout
train" or "/g zone" etc. I have attempted 4 numerous times while soloing.
Usually Hymn, CoD, Bellow, Bellow. I'd say I manage to twist 4 (using
Atonal's proper definition) half to one third of the time. With that
particular song combo it's usually worth it for me to try it solo. But
then you don't get to brag to your groupmates about it.

I suppose it's possible I'm impressing onlookers. Ah but then with all
that mashing I'd miss the ":applaud" :-)

Hey, on a related note, now that we've all presumably gotten used to the
song timer, anyone else starting to find it useful?

a bubble from 20
Unrest, Tunare

"John Grady"

<john_grady@bi To: eqbards@yahoogroups.com

gfoot.com> cc:

Subject: RE: [eqbards] twisting
5, added note

02:24 PM

Please respond

to eqbards

This is funny. I can remember every once in awhile someone in my guild
would say; "I grouped with
so-and-so and s/he can twist 4+ plus songs, can you?" So I'd explain how it
ensures that resists
will be off a percentage of the time, I won't be able to talk or see
messages fly by, etc., etc.
I'm mostly retired now, but once I explained it to them, my guild never
went with this marketing

If someone wants a key mashing job, I suppose they have every right to
market themselves. In all
honesty, I think is the only time I've twisted four was to impress a new
group. And in reality, it
always seems like they think its 4 but I know its only 3.5.

Tzeetch, Troubador of Tunes
The Commune, Xegony

Asmerelda, 39th Healer
The Dark Order, Lancelot

P.S. This is the most activity I've seen on this list in months. Good

--- Christopher Sanders <christopher.sanders@...> wrote:


Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that a person is actually<BR>
"twisting" 5 songs.  Factor in cast times, and song duration
after it ends,<BR>
and when twisting 4 songs, almost always, the first effect will drop
you get back to it.  You can add amplification to a 4 song twist, and
it 5, but when it comes time to refresh amplification, you'll probably
an effect just as you're trying to twist it back in, resulting in a catch
effect where a song wears off a pulse or two before it can be refreshed,
the way through the twist, so you've only got 3 songs active anyway,
counting amplification.<BR>
I'm not sure if anyone ever actually defined "twisting".  To
me, it is the<BR>
ability to keep the effects of multiple songs **active** on my group, or
the mob, at ALL times.  A 3 song twist is common among high level
bards (am<BR>
I a high level bard now?  :P ).  Why?  Because we've been
playing the class<BR>
long enough to realize that, under most circumstances, it is the best
Some song lineups, and situations make a 4 song twist desired, and
possible, it's a lot harder, and is only practical when the occassional<BR>
dropped effect isn't that big a deal.  Like manasong, which is a shot
mana when pulsed, and not a regen effect.<BR>
But when you're talking a song effect dropping for a duration of time,
is what would happen in a 5 song twist...well, it's not really a twist.<BR>
If you insist it is, then I'd like to be the first to introduce myself
the best bard in EQ, because I can twist 8.<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: KAZ [mailto:kazvorpal@...]<BR>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 8:17 AM<BR>
To: eqbards@yahoogroups.com<BR>
Subject: RE: [eqbards] twisting 5, added note<BR>
--- Michael Roach <MikeRoach@...> wrote:<BR>
> A great bard does not need to twist 5 songs.  A bard who twists 3
or more<BR>
> songs knows what he is doing and is playing his character well. 
> your character well has nothing to do with how much expensive
> equipment you can afford or how good your equipment is.<BR>
As utopian and egalitarian as this sounds, it doesn't make any sense.<BR>
One who twists three may be ROLE playing well, but logically one who
five is, obviously, contributing /more/ to the group. Period. One plus
equals two, no matter how embarassing it may be to those with only one.<BR>


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John Grady
(408) 378-9108

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