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Message ID: 276
Date: Mon Apr 26 20:28:04 BST 1999
Author: Scott Pickle
Subject: Hipocrasy

First, let me apologize for a poorly worded sentence. I said:

> I don't care to try and correct some of these things - I just ask that,
> going forward, people be more cautious about the things they declare as
> truth.

In my attempt to be brief, I realize I sounded like I was saying I don't
WANT to correct things. What I meant to imply is that I don't want to get
petty and point fingers at people after the fact.

No, I don't have all the answers, and never said as much. I invite
speculation so long as it's colored that way, and not masked as truth.

It's disappointing to have been mischaracterized and slandered by people who
don't know me. And worse yet, I'm exposed to several instances of hipocrasy,
launching untruthful attacks at the Soerbaird.

Being told not to promote our guild in this forum, and then seeing people
recruit forum members for a newly forming guild. So long as we're publicly
slandered, you can expect us to try and give an explanation or correction.

Someone said they want a better guild guild than ours that helps people,
travels and adventures. Too bad this person has never been to our web site
and read about us. Instead, they choose to slander us. I would love to meet
you and show you all we hold dear. You'd find that not only do we fit what
you're describing, but we also are encouraging each other as we write
ballads and history about Norrath and it's inhabitants.

I would boldly say that the Soerbaird value truth. I stand by my previous
implications that spreading false information is dishonorable and selfish.
We do expect people to speak intelligently. If this is to be seen as
arrogant, then so be it. But I ask you - if your life depended on it, would
you rather ask someone who told you, "I'm not sure, but I think it's the
second right in Highpass" or, "Just take the second right in Highpass and
run for the exit" - without knowing if this were true.

I have met many young ones running quests for hours that weren't right, but
adamantly defended by the unknowing. It's this thing I hope to see squashed.

We have high expectations of each other. Jythri has posted to that effect.
And some members, probably as one might suspect, have been reprimanded for
not upholding high standards. But I also tell you that many of us have given
the weapon in our hand, and the shirt off our back to help people in need. I
have personally fallen in combat dozens of times helping someone get their
belongings back from fatal places.

It deeply hurts to be called arrogant, snobbish, ego-centric, and someone
even quoted me as saying:

"You all are idiots, shut up if you don't know for sure."
"I happen to know the right answers, but I won't tell you."

Wow, how sad someone reads such despite out of nothing. Please consider
meeting me, or any of the Soerbaird for a truthful assessment of what we're

Dendall, Ollave of the Aegis