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Message ID: 288
Date: Tue Apr 27 01:43:12 BST 1999
Author: Blitz Krieg
Subject: Re: Hipocrasy

Dendall, perhaps your original post was as hasten as those posting their

I hear your apology and I accept it. I can only read the words that you
post, I can not try to determine what you actually meant by them. Your
explanation about not wanting to get petty and point fingers sounds very
reasonable and I accept it as your true meaning. Please also understand the
feeling I and others have had about the original post. We only can see
what's there.

>First, let me apologize for a poorly worded sentence. I said:
>> I don't care to try and correct some of these things - I just ask that,
>> going forward, people be more cautious about the things they declare as
>> truth.
>In my attempt to be brief, I realize I sounded like I was saying I don't
>WANT to correct things. What I meant to imply is that I don't want to get
>petty and point fingers at people after the fact.
>No, I don't have all the answers, and never said as much. I invite
>speculation so long as it's colored that way, and not masked as truth.
>It's disappointing to have been mischaracterized and slandered by people
>don't know me. And worse yet, I'm exposed to several instances of
>launching untruthful attacks at the Soerbaird.
>Being told not to promote our guild in this forum, and then seeing people
>recruit forum members for a newly forming guild. So long as we're publicly
>slandered, you can expect us to try and give an explanation or correction.
>Someone said they want a better guild guild than ours that helps people,
>travels and adventures. Too bad this person has never been to our web site
>and read about us. Instead, they choose to slander us. I would love to meet
>you and show you all we hold dear. You'd find that not only do we fit what
>you're describing, but we also are encouraging each other as we write
>ballads and history about Norrath and it's inhabitants.
>I would boldly say that the Soerbaird value truth. I stand by my previous
>implications that spreading false information is dishonorable and selfish.
>We do expect people to speak intelligently. If this is to be seen as
>arrogant, then so be it. But I ask you - if your life depended on it, would
>you rather ask someone who told you, "I'm not sure, but I think it's the
>second right in Highpass" or, "Just take the second right in Highpass and
>run for the exit" - without knowing if this were true.
>I have met many young ones running quests for hours that weren't right, but
>adamantly defended by the unknowing. It's this thing I hope to see
>We have high expectations of each other. Jythri has posted to that effect.
>And some members, probably as one might suspect, have been reprimanded for
>not upholding high standards. But I also tell you that many of us have
>the weapon in our hand, and the shirt off our back to help people in need.
>have personally fallen in combat dozens of times helping someone get their
>belongings back from fatal places.
>It deeply hurts to be called arrogant, snobbish, ego-centric, and someone
>even quoted me as saying:
>"You all are idiots, shut up if you don't know for sure."
>"I happen to know the right answers, but I won't tell you."
>Wow, how sad someone reads such despite out of nothing. Please consider
>meeting me, or any of the Soerbaird for a truthful assessment of what we're
>Dendall, Ollave of the Aegis
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