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Message ID: 4113
Date: Thu Jul 22 14:40:15 BST 1999
Author: Jones, Brian
Subject: RE: Re: Blackened Iron (meta)

But you can't say that for everyone. Some people don't think it is fun
taking the long way. They like shortcuts (and being able to cheat and
exploit - I am not one of them by the way). I have a friend that I work
with that won't even buy EverQuest because he can't cheat. He is the type
that looks on the Internet for cheat codes for a game and then buys the
game. If he can't find any cheat codes - he won't buy it. Asinine? Yes.
But that is what he enjoys. Does that make us any better because we don't
like to cheat? No way.

I agree with some of your points - however I can tell you that twinking will
not ruin the experience, especially if it is a second character. With my
primary character, I have been to every single zone in the game except for
Solusek A and B and Kedge Keep. Twinking a second character does not
detract from the experience of the game - it just makes the monotony of the
lower levels a little bit easier, and may cut down on the deaths that you
would normally get from learning experience.

If this is a first time character for him, even being in full bronze at that
level will not matter much. Full bronze is only 1 point greater than
banded, and alot heavier. Also your AC is directly related to your Defense
skill (and other modifiers.) He is still capped at Level * 5, so at the
most he would get maybe a 20-25 point increase in his AC rating.

> ----------
> From: John Kim[SMTP:kim@...]
> Reply To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 7:39 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: Blackened Iron (meta)
> From: John Kim <kim@...>
> On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Adar wrote:
> >
> > First of all, having better equipment doesn't mean you explore *less*.
> It
> > means (for instance) being able to go to High Hold, or the Eastern
> Karanas,
> > a level earlier than you normally could. Nor does it affect knowledge of
> > equipment- at level 13, you're either wearing leather, banded, or
> bronze,
> Having better equipment means you will have an easier time
> against mobs - there's no denying that, otherwise there'd be
> no point to getting better equipment. When you have an easier
> time against mobs -> you rack up experience faster -> you
> level more quickly -> you have less time to explore areas
> appropriate for your level -> you explore less. Unless of
> course you refrain from fighting, or enjoy exploring areas
> where everything is green to you and afraid to attack you
> (which I had to do with most of Paw and all of Blackburrow -
> and which is why I don't give others advice on how to play
> there, except for location information).
> > with a quest item or two mixed in (again, the quests are made MORE fun
> > because, just maybe, you can now solo the mob that's eluded you for the
> last
> > two levels, not less.)
> This gets back to what I said about there always being
> something bigger and meaner than you. You do not get more
> quests, you simply get different (higher level) ones. The low
> level quests that would normally mean something to someone
> your level are now worthless because your equipment is already
> better than what you'd receive as a reward. In the end, it's
> a washout. Yes you get to do your L10-L15 quests in a hurry,
> but now the quests that were supposed to sustain you from L16
> to L25 have to sustain you from L13 to L25.
> > Second, 250pp is not 250,000. Yes, that will buy you a set of bronze,
> but it
> > doesn't mean you must immediately stop looking for better stuff until
> you
> > make 10 more levels. On the contrary- it means you can save up money for
> the
> > *truly* useful items, like some elf hide gloves (if you're not an elf,
> that
> > is <G>) or a battle drum. It's not exactly a godly plate of the whale-
> I don't follow your reasoning at all. You can keep the crown,
> and save up for banded/bronze. If you run across someone
> selling elf hide gloves or a battle drum, you can sell/trade
> the crown then. If you aren't so fortunate, then you still
> have the crown. Like I said, the crown is rare enough that
> you can get trade-only items for it. That gives it the edge
> over saving platinum IMHO.
> > actually, every one of my characters after the first have made at least
> a
> > hundred pp by level 15 (fairly, I might add, without using any trade
> skills
> > or even camping for lore items like everyone else), and some have gotten
> > much more than that.
> So if money is that easy, why sell the crown? I hit 100pp at
> around L13 by the way. Accounting for all the stuff I gave
> away, I probably hit 250pp around L18. I had 250pp in the
> bank at around L20.
> > Finally, why is having a full set of bronze, a dirk, and money in the
> bank
> > (i.e., not having to worry about where your next song is coming from-
> that
> > was a very real concern to me at that level) somehow less 'noble' or
> 'fair'
> > than wearing all patchwork except for an admittedly very nice crown on
> your
> > head?
> When did I say it was less noble? In this thread, I said it
> was robbing yourself of experience. In a previous meta-issues
> thread I said it upset the balance of the game. I have never
> criticized twinking because I felt it was unfair or ignoble.
> I've only criticized it because I felt it caused problems for
> the twinker (which doesn't really matter because it's his
> decision to deprive himself) and for the non-twinker (which
> does matter since he doesn't have any control it).
> > other. But using a fairly gotten reward to make the next few levels less
> > painful- to, perhaps, get to see High Hold or Unrest a few days ahead of
> > time- isn't exactly cheating, at least in my opinion.
> Let me use your example. Would it be wise to do something
> which lets you, say, see Mistmoore a few days ahead of time,
> *before* you've had a chance to thoroughly explore/experience
> Unrest and Highhold? If you've seen it all already with
> another character, then I completely agree with you. But I
> got the impression that wasn't the case here.
> If you want to fully experience the game, don't take
> shortcuts.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...
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