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Message ID: 4114
Date: Thu Jul 22 14:59:47 BST 1999
Author: chlebek@xxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Blackened Iron Armor *SPOILER* (sort of)

OK. Let me start off by saying I too dislike twinking. That said, THE CHARACTER
that a twink? He got the item fair and square so shouldn't it be his to do with
as he wishes?

Jeez people, crawl down off your soapbox once in a while.

Taelin, Songweavers of Kelethin, The Rathe

> From: DreamKing <drmking@...>
> I totally agree with you. It aggrivates me to no end to see twinked players
> because obviously it's not fair to the rest of us who actually work our
> behinds off for what we have, but also because I feel they're missing out
> in part of the game completely. I felt great when I was able to afford
> buying that last piece to my banded armor set. I didn't get to do that
> until after level 10. Yet I see people level 5 walking around with pieces
> (or complete sets) of plate armor. If someone offered me a set of plate
> would I accept it? Nope. It would totally take away from the game that I
> play. If someone offered me a little something for a favor I did them -
> sure I'd take it. But not if it was way out of bounds for the favor. It's
> not a matter of pride or passing up a great offer - it's about making the
> most out of EQ.
> Twinked players are missing out on so much.
> >I never did understand people who paid $49.95 for Diablo, then
> >immediately hacked themselves 50th level characters. If you
> >sell the crown and buy yourself full bronze armor, a barbed
> >whip, and dragoon dirk, I predict you will be very very bored
> >for the next 10-15 levels because the only thing you'll have
> >to look forward to is leveling. Just about everything dropped
> >by stuff you fight until you reach about level 25 is going to
> >be inferior to the equipment you bought at level 13.