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Message ID: 4461
Date: Tue Jul 27 22:04:49 BST 1999
Author: RON_TALBOT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx.xxx
Subject: Re: Brahms Horn

What zone were you guildmates in? Steamfont, Beholder Maze?
Perhaps finally a new bard instrument!


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Subject: [eqbards] Brahms Horn
Author: Non-HP-nat-ive (nat_ive@...) at HP-ColSprings,mimegw5
Date: 7/27/99 6:56 AM

From: "Renee Cole" <nat_ive@...>

Recently, a couple of guild members killed a mino named Brahms. He dropped
a horn called "Brahms Horn". It is bard only.

I've looked around a bit on the web to see if I could get any information on
this horn, but have not seen any.

Does anyone know anything about this horn? Any information would be
appreciated. Please feel free to Email me if you don't want to post.

-Treehugger and Songmaker

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