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Message ID: 4462
Date: Tue Jul 27 22:06:11 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: RE: Weapon efficiencies (OT)

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Kimes, Dean W. wrote:
> dealt. Running the numbers over 100 swings last week versus a white
> opponent, with skill maxed at 80 and str=75 damage averaged out at 10.2 on a
> weapon that has a max of 13. Safe to assume its a percentage relationship
> given the data so, actual average was 10.2/13 = 78% of max or exactly
> 1.2xDMG. 100 swings is statistically awfully low actually, especially given

See? I'm not the only number-crazy one. :-)

John H. Kim