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Message ID: 4670
Date: Mon May 31 20:28:47 BST 1999
Author: SteelWolf
Subject: Re: Weapon efficiencies (OT)

Although this formlua may be max damage at low levels when you get to the 20s or
higher you can throw it out the window, although as you pointed out str does
play a part.

Very often now by thulian blood claw hits for 14. It is a DMG 5 weapon. My
Dragoon Dirk (DMG 6 weapon) in my off-hand hits for 15 often, but never 16. this
is regardless of whether I fight at my present modified strength of 99, or
whether it goes much higher with anthem. It may be an imparted strength bonus,
as you will notice putting on a strength item increases your attack factor, or
it may be as a result of issue. My damage did not go up when I hit 20th, but it
did a bit later. I started noticing these higher damages in the middle of L30.
So was it L30, or was it the 2 Jagged Bands I swapped for my former 2 +2 str
rings? I don't know. Maybe I'll try a high cgreen con without the rings or
something and let you know. The bottom line is that 2xDMG+1 does seem very
accurate at lower levels, but not higher.

Ariell Thunderwolf, Karana