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Message ID: 4669
Date: Sat Jul 31 19:41:52 BST 1999
Author: Brangwen
Subject: Re: For Hyperian - On twisting, weaving, stacking songs etc

-----Original Message-----

>From: HiFinance@...
>Is this what you all mean when you talk about singing more than one song
and are
>there any tricks to doing this better? Usually my "twisting" is more like
stumbling :)
>Frequently my timing isn't right on changing songs.

I like to call that "weaving" :) - The only trick I've found is to have the
songs you weave in your hotkeys. I also have weapons slots and inventory
slots in another hotkey bank - which makes it easy to run from something
that is too tough but attacking AND do the switch to the drum for Selos.
That seems the fastest way to have less trouble weaving. However, as I'm
only L11, quite the young bard myself, I don't have any other tricks except
to say that I notice that I stumble through it mostly when I've been playing
too long and am getting sleepy :) I think, unless someone with more
experience says differently, it's all a matter of hotkeys and timing. Don't
know if this helped but I hope so.

Brangwen, L11 wood elf bard, The Rathe