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Message ID: 4668
Date: Sat Jul 31 17:36:19 BST 1999
Author: Daniel P. Sniderman
Subject: Re: Limit on song memorization

This list needs a FAQ for the newcomers...

The main trick for doing this is to setup a bank of quick-keys (click and
hold the mouse button and drag it to a quick key slot) and use the 1-6 keys
not mouse clicks to switch between the songs. There seems to be some delay
involved with the mouse click - so you can't "Riff" (my preferred term) as
well no matter how quick you are at clicking that mice.

Also - it seems some people get better results - I've NEVER been able to
Riff four songs like some have - so ping/pl time may be a factor - as well
perhaps how fast your machine is.. I definitely saw an improvement when I
went to the quick-key method..

Slyde of Xegony (Level 20)

> From: HiFinance@...
> I've heard the term "twisting" and I believe i even have kinda done it.
> when fighting and singing healing and Jonathan's Warsong each effect stays
> for a short time and if I click another song at the right time i can
> get both going at once. Is this what you all mean when you talk about
> more than one song and are there any tricks to doing this better? Usually
> "twisting" is more like stumbling :) Frequently my timing isn't right on
> changing songs..
> Hyperian - 9th Level half Elven Bard - Cazic Thule