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Message ID: 4673
Date: Sat Jul 31 22:29:22 BST 1999
Author: HiFinance@xxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Limit on song memorization

In a message dated 7/31/99 11:58:23 AM Central Daylight Time,
slide@... writes:

<< he main trick for doing this is to setup a bank of quick-keys (click and
hold the mouse button and drag it to a quick key slot) and use the 1-6 keys
not mouse clicks to switch between the songs. There seems to be some delay
involved with the mouse click - so you can't "Riff" (my preferred term) as
well no matter how quick you are at clicking that mice. >>

Ahh :) Thanks for taking the time to respond. I know it gets tedious
answering the same questions over and over again and I should have let you
know I'm very experienced in the game overall, so all you would have had to
type was..

"use hotkeys for the songs, there's some kind of delay involved with the
mouse clicks. "

Thanks again :)

Hyperian - Half Elven SongWeaver of the 9th Chorus (Better?? :)
Cazic Thule