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Message ID: 4674
Date: Sun Aug 1 00:15:28 BST 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: RE: Limit on song memorization

>From: "Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)" <kblair@...>
> > Now that I have Celerity and
> > stack it with Chant of Battle
> > I never touch Bellows.
>Just curious, does Celerity stack with Anthem de Arms? If so, I'm
>in why one would choose Chant of Battle over Anthem. My current lineup at
>level 16 (DING! - I *love* the jig! It's so much more entertaining if while
>watching it, you sing to yourself - "Do a little dance, Make a little love,
>Get down tonight! Get down tonight!)

Celerity does not stack with Anthem - I took Shada's advice and twisted
Celerity w/Chant and it works great. The tanks love it too, STR, DEX, and a
NICE AGI bonus, as well as a seemingly better speedup than with Anthem.

>Then I usually use two remaining slots to rotate as needed things like
>Locating, Aquatic Ayre and Cindra's Charismatic Carillion (even though I
>haven't noticed it doing much good).

Don't underestimate the Carillon! I play a half elf and went to Kaladim to
buy steel armor for a high elf friend of mine (I found that the gnomes
quoted same prices in Ak'anon earlier). The dwaven smith quoted me at around
960 plat or so for a small steel breastplate. After buffing my Charisma with
all my CHA items i managed to shave about 5- to 75 plat off that. Then i
conned him and found he was apprehensive so I used Carrillon on him to make
him Amiable. I was astounded to see the price for a small steel breastplate
drop to 805 plat! I think Enchanters got it better for this type of thing,
but when ya can't find one.. =)

>Songs that I've noticed don't seem to do much are the Rhythm songs and the
>Lucid Lullaby (Rats outside of Freeport were resisting it to me last night
>at level 16).

Lullaby is nowhere near as good as it was in beta. Of course an enchanter is
THE way to go for crowd control - but when none is available, I will use
lullaby if there is too many creatures in a fight. Most of the time (for me)
it works well enough that we can concentrate on one mob at a time and our
healer can keep me alive =)

>I didnt even bother to purchase the Cataloging song. I'm
>looking forward to 17 for the dual weild and sneak skills but I >don't
>know whether to get the song since it's another in the line of Rhythms. Is
>it me
>doing something wrong, or are these songs either very weak or completely

Can't really comment on these last songs you mentioned. The few times I have
used resistance songs was when there was another bard in my group (very
rare), and she sat back with her drums for full effect. We were killing the
froglok scryer and noone ever got charmed, so we were pretty happy with it

Sartori D'Elsiraad
Bard of Kelethin of the 37th Chorus