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Message ID: 4679
Date: Sun Aug 1 00:45:19 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: RE: Limit on song memorization

On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, jay schultze wrote:
> Don't underestimate the Carillon! I play a half elf and went to Kaladim to
> buy steel armor for a high elf friend of mine (I found that the gnomes
> quoted same prices in Ak'anon earlier). The dwaven smith quoted me at around
> 960 plat or so for a small steel breastplate. After buffing my Charisma with
> all my CHA items i managed to shave about 5- to 75 plat off that. Then i
> conned him and found he was apprehensive so I used Carrillon on him to make
> him Amiable. I was astounded to see the price for a small steel breastplate
> drop to 805 plat! I think Enchanters got it better for this type of thing,

With more charisma, you should be able to get it for 787.5pp.

Here's my best price list again for small steel plate:

787.5 Breastplate
346.5 Boots
252 Bracers
420 Greaves
294 Belt
147 Collar
483 Gloves
336 Arms
367.5 Pauldron
367.5 Helm
105 Mask
399 Cloak

The "hidden" base price is 5% below this (price/1.05). The
best selling price is 5% below that. Needless to say, all my
friends ask me to do their big-ticket buying/selling for them.

Slowly saving up for the greaves (already have the breastplate
and arms)...

John H. Kim