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Message ID: 4680
Date: Sun Aug 1 01:05:16 BST 1999
Author: Sean Kennedy
Subject: Re: Stamina and hit point gain

This is the way Spirit of Bear (shaman stamina buff) seems to work.
After casting, your max hp goes up, then you need to heal to reach
that. When it wears off, those hp's go away.

Tindayen, Journeyman Bard
Swifthawk, Apprentice Shaman

>From: "Reedo" <reedo@...>
>It probably works the same way as mana calculations. Its (Base +
>Enhancements) then everything else. If it is, when you take off the
>it will go back to normal.
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>> All,
>> Just a thought that occurred to me in the shower this morning.
>> They say that stamina effect you total hit points but just equipping
>> plus stamina item has no effect. What happens when you level? Say
>> just before you level you equip several stamina adding items. Will
>> this increase the hit points given when you level? Will you lose
>> extra points if you take them off? This could be a nice way to pump
>> up our meager hitpoint total with a little planning and the purchase
>> of some jewelry. Has any one tried this?
>> Thanks
>> Bujold 19th level
>> Xegony
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