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Message ID: 4675
Date: Sun Aug 1 00:18:29 BST 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: Re: Stamina and hit point gain

>From: RON_TALBOT@...
> All,
> They say that stamina effect you total hit points but just equipping
> plus stamina item has no effect. What happens when you level? Say
> just before you level you equip several stamina adding items. Will
> this increase the hit points given when you level? Will you lose the
> extra points if you take them off? This could be a nice way to pump
> up our meager hitpoint total with a little planning and the purchase
> of some jewelry. Has any one tried this?
> Thanks
> Bujold 19th level
> Xegony

Stamina buffing items only give you the extra hp while you wear them - you
don't get any bonus hp when you level from wearing STA items.
Personally i consider Stamina the lowest priority physical stat when it
comes to stat buffing items. I prefer to have higher dex agi or str.

Sartori D'Elsiraad
Bard of Kelethin of the 37th Chorus