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Message ID: 4676
Date: Sun Aug 1 00:20:34 BST 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: RE: Instruments in dual wield

>From: Mike Roach <mroach@...>
>Instrument always goes in second melee slot, but you can never put anything
>in the first melee slot with the instrument. You have 4 options, sing and
>fight with weapons, stand back and play instruments, a combination of the
>or play instruments and punch with your fists for about 1-5 damage a round.

Some ppl can fool ya - I saw a guy with his lute equipped and a mino axe in
his throwing slot - it looked like he was dual wielding them. He wasn't even
high enough to dual wield =)

Sartori D'Elsiraad
Bard of Kelethin of the 37th Chorus