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Message ID: 4677
Date: Sun Aug 1 00:29:11 BST 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: Re: something i noticed w/Cha-Carillion

Just a side-note about Carillon.
I was in Felwithe in the armory window-shopping and tried Carillon on the
high-elf female npc shopkeepers that stand behind the counter (in the shop
next to the bank). I noticed their faction was still apprehensive to me (i
am half-elf Quellious follower - guess they don't like that much =). I
figured it just wasn't working...
Then, I walked AROUND the counter to stand directly in front of the npc and
tried again and they became Amiable!

This also happened with the armor merchant in East Freeport - he was
indifferent even with Carillon until i walked AROUND the his counter and
stood in front of him. Amiable.

Just thought I would share this.

Sartori D'Elsiraad
Bard of Kelethin of the 37th Chorus