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Message ID: 4672
Date: Sat Jul 31 21:14:30 BST 1999
Author: Ilkka Salmenkaita
Subject: 14dmg at 18th level with 6dmg weapon

Well the subject says the main point. I was using a Dragoon Dirk
5dam weapon, and I hit 14dmg every now and then already at
18th level. I think this shows quite well how truly efficient fighters
bards are with songs going on. I was weaving Jonthan's and
Chant of Battle at the time. Half elf with base str of 95.

Anyone here who have played a warrior or similar with a big
race with high str remember hitting over the usual max damage
of dmg*2+1 at 18th level? Or 19th for that matter?

- Ilkka Salmenkaita, isalmen@...