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Message ID: 4671
Date: Sat Jul 31 20:58:44 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: Re: Weapon efficiencies (OT)

On Mon, 31 May 1999, SteelWolf wrote:
> Although this formlua may be max damage at low levels when
> you get to the 20s or higher you can throw it out the
> window, although as you pointed out str does play a part.
> Very often now by thulian blood claw hits for 14. It is a
> DMG 5 weapon. My Dragoon Dirk (DMG 6 weapon) in my
> off-hand hits for 15 often, but never 16. this is

I've had mine (dirk) hit for 16, but it's very rare. And I am
pretty sure you have about 20 str points on me.

> factor, or it may be as a result of issue. My damage did
> not go up when I hit 20th, but it did a bit later. I
> started noticing these higher damages in the middle of
> L30. So was it L30, or was it the 2 Jagged Bands I swapped

Yup. At 20 I noticed everyone's damage going up, except for
me. Mine didn't pass the 2*dam+1 rule (noticably) until about
level 25.

John H. Kim