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Message ID: 4639
Date: Fri Jul 30 13:27:25 BST 1999
Author: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)
Subject: RE: Dueling (was: Yellow?!?)

> well... there is one way around no drop. If
> someone in your party loots something that
> they cant use but you can, duel them for it,
> tell them to let you win, you can loot the
> item from their corpse afterwards. and they
> dont lose xp because its a duel

I hate to break off topic here for a minute, but can someone explain (or
point to a web page that does) dueling in more detail? I've been trying to
scrap up the details about how it works but haven't been successful. My
questions are:

1. When the person that loses dies, do they go back to where they're bound?
2. Is it true that whoever wins the duel can loot items off of your body?
3. Is there any way to cancel a duel after both people have accepted the
4. Is it against Verant's rules to have outsiders buff a player while he/she
is dueling? (I wouldn't do this, but I'd worry about the person I'm dueling
doing it)
5b. If you're in a group with another Bard and you're dueling, will their
songs affect you during the duel?
6. If you're dueling in a PVP area, can other people enter the fight?

Thanks, and sorry if these have been covered before.